video of 1st meet

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Getting better at this video thing only took me an hour to figure out how to get it from the camera to the computer LOL That is better than the 3 hours last time.

So here it is
YouTube - snow storm classic 2010_0001.wmv

Her Beam is the worst event she said she was shaking she was so nervous for that one (its her fear event) and wanted to know if we could see her shaking. I couldn't but she did miss her back walk over back walk over connection and twisted funny on it. She doesn't usually do that.
I think she did a wonderful job. Her floor routine looked great. I LOVE the way she kicks her left leg back before she starts her tumbling passes. I have to say I dont remember seeing that watching the comp this weekend. So at least for here, that would make her very unique.
Way to go on qualifiying for sectionals. Must be a relief to have that under her belt so early in the game.
I think she did a wonderful job. Her floor routine looked great. I LOVE the way she kicks her left leg back before she starts her tumbling passes. I have to say I dont remember seeing that watching the comp this weekend. So at least for here, that would make her very unique.
Way to go on qualifiying for sectionals. Must be a relief to have that under her belt so early in the game.

Thanks! yeah that is new for her she use to do a hurdle thing but it was throwing off her timing for the tumbling so this is what she is doing now Don't know if she came up with it or if it was the coaches idea. But so long as she doesn't loose points doing and its working I'm good with it.:D
Love her floor routine! She has beautiful leaps and jumps on floor. I thought bars were excellent too. She will be rocking bars once she adds in her giant. I'm sure beam will only get better as she gets less nervous about it! Congrats again on a great first meet!
She is smooth on bars, love her tumbling and floor routine. Beam always makes me nervous to watch lol. Great job!! :)
HARRY POTTER FLOOR MUSIC?! What a great idea! I love it!

I couldn't tell that beam was her fear event. I thought she looked really solid. She has pretty ballerina hands and she's graceful. Does she take dance?
HARRY POTTER FLOOR MUSIC?! What a great idea! I love it!

I couldn't tell that beam was her fear event. I thought she looked really solid. She has pretty ballerina hands and she's graceful. Does she take dance?

I couldn't tell either and I was there ! She has had that music since last year but with the old gym only was allowed to compete floor twice (long story there) She loves it. I think its called Hedwigs Theme which is from Harry Potter.

She has never taken any dance at all - she is naturally graceful and is really good with the artistic stuff. she has what I call piano hands long fingers which is good because she does play piano and her hands are very graceful when she plays too.
Love her floor routine! She has beautiful leaps and jumps on floor. I thought bars were excellent too. She will be rocking bars once she adds in her giant. I'm sure beam will only get better as she gets less nervous about it! Congrats again on a great first meet!

Her jumps and leaps along with her dance moves have always been outstanding. She actually has had her giant since feb 2010 but hasn't competed it yet. I'm hoping by Jan at the latest they will let her compete it. I know they have been working on the L8 giant with a some type of turn in a handstand.

Don't know if she will ever get less nervous on beam but I know she can still just do it even if she is nervous. I'm hoping she will stop shaking so she feel more cofident.
Her BHS step out on beam was GREAT! Loved the dance in the floor routine! Her "lack of talent" shows lol. Excellent job, and congrats on qualifying first time around!!! Glad she is doing so well at her gym, the coaching staff there is fabulous! So funny to be seeing my gym on your video and my coach in the background lol.
looking great! She is going to have a great season. So elegant and I love how she floats on floor.

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