Videotaping Other Gymnast During Competitions

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So how does everyone feel about this? Some of the other parents videotaped all of my daughter's routines at competion yesterday. They didn't ask if it was ok. I would have never done this without running it by the parent first. One of these dads is one that was prohibited from watching practice because of his bad behavior. ( Rude comments, talking way too much about other gymmies while they were within ear shot..)
Not in a million years did I even think about videotaping anyone except my dd, especially without permission. However if someone forgot their camera and asked for me to video for them, I would do that in a heartbeat. I think I would have been ok with it if they had just talked about it to me beforehand. I really think this is CREEPY! She is 5! What do you all think?
I absolutely would have a problem with this. At first, I thought your post was going to be something along the lines of.... well, she was just included while a parent was filming their own child. I was all ready to make a statement about how sometimes that just cant' be helped... but this really is bizarre. I don't think I'd even say "o.k." if they had asked. You just never know what the purpose is be hind the videotaping. Yes, we'd all like to believe that it's going to be used to point out how a good routine should look, but what happens when the parents are already crazy??? WOW.... Never seen or heard of parents doing this in the years we've been involved in this sport.
My parents almost always taped my teammates, and some of my teammates' parents taped me, too. *shrug* Granted, I was never at a gym where there were a lot of crazy parents, but it's not unusual or weird by any means.
Totally not ok. But are you sure they were videotaping your DD? I would have to ask the parent about this one. Were they taping all the girls on the team or just yours? Really bizarre if you ask me. I have taped another girls routines but only because I am friends with the mom and she does not have a camera and SHE asked me too. I would find out the motivation behind this for sure.
Yeah--that's kind of creepy and obsessive. I am like you in that I would never tape anyone else's child without the parent's consent and if they asked me to videotape because they forgot the camera then I would of course videotape for them.

Often times kids who are very young and talented do tend to stand out a lot with their successes and sometimes get that attention that is often not solicited or wanted. I would speak to the coach about the videotaping and see if they can send out an email to all the parents reminding them of "meet etiquette and videotaping without permission".
We go to a very competitive gym and the some of the parents are fighting like mad from the very beginning to get their gymmies every advantage. These are level 3 parents but from what I hear it is still the same in the other levels. Now I know why some of the parents of the extremely talented kids just I-pod there way through practice or don't come at all.
I have a lot of video coverage of my dd in the gym that I wouldn't dare post without permission from some of these elites parents. I know they would give it to me if I asked but it just feels wrong right now. I didn't video them on purpose but they were sharing equiptment or happend to walk through or talk to my dd while I was filming.
The meet is a public event so unless there is a prohibition against videotaping per se, I don't think there's a whole lot you can do about it. That said, given what you know about the guy that taped it , it seems a bit creepy but I don't see that there's much that can be done without causing a huge scene.

We were first introduced to Youtube when someone informed me that they "saw videos of your daughter from X meet" up on Youtube and I have NO idea who taped her or posted it....
I am sure that they videotaped my dd because these parents told me. This information didn't come second hand. As they were leaving, these parents said that got all my daughter's routines on tape. Of course, at the time I was busy with my 5 year old and really wanting to focus my attention at her at the time but now I just think it is strange. Some of these parents are well meaning but some are questionable.
I think it is a little odd to tape your dd routines without asking you especially when you were right there.
Unless they just taped everyone - that would be fine by me.

I would take it as a compliment. I don't think it is worth making a scene with them. I would probably have a quiet friendly word with her coach saying you noticed it and felt abit uncomfortable and is this normal. It may be completely normal at your gym. They could just keep an eye on it then.
Bookworm- wow! What a way to be introduced to Youtube. I am sorry this happened to you. I have yet to post any videos. I really want to share with family across country so I will do something. I am very wary of posting videos of my 5 year old because I don't want her to be hyped up. I want her to go through the sport on her own terms and have fun with it. I am a little protective. I always think to myself that she is good now but that doesn't mean anything long term and I don't want anyone putting pressure on her or for her to feel like she isn't meeting others expetctions. Gymnastics is going to be her thing and I want her to own it, not others. This sums up why I am wary of videotaping by others. Being good at 5 means almost nothing in this sport. Anything can happen.
NOt okay at all. I would speak to your coach and ask her if she would let the parents know this is not okay without parental permission. IF she won't speak to them you need to tell them that you are not happy with it.

I have taped other team girls at meets, but only when their parents have asked me too. I always tape my girls so Dad and grandma can watch.
This is a bit of a sore topic among photographers, as well as videographers, and as someone who enjoys photographing gynnastics I felt I had to chime in... The reality is, in public settings without a no-film clause in entry requirements, the parent can film or photograph anything they like. Often times, I find myself doing the "am I being intrusive" freeze. Then I share some photos with parents and the gym and I find they are happy to have them.

I understand that you do not have a friendly relationship with this parent, or you question his motives, but just as likely that they have malicious motives, they may also have complete good intentions. Some people, especially europeans, are fanatical about this sport, and they take pride in finding the next big thing in the sport.

Consider if the child was your son, and was being filmed playing football. Would you be as hesitant? Especially if he was a standout player?

I understand the need to be protective, but as much as we may not like it, we are filmed for a majority of our day by people we don't know, and never will meet. It's a part of our social structure, and it is becomming more prevalent with the mass desire to archive everything.

The only real recourse is to ask the parent to stop, stating that you would prefer to be the one to share your daughter's successes, and that their filming feels a bit intrusive. If they do not stop after that, you will then need to take action as you see fit. However, legally they have every right to film as they like.
Ryantroop- I do understand your perspective and I would definately be happy if someone had good intentions or if a photographer would take pictures and share them with me. However, I would assume that you are a professional and by that standard, you also have a reputation and a career to think about. You have everyone's best interest at heart, the gymnast, the gym and your reputation. I definately support the professionals.
I also stated that I most likely would have been ok with people videotaping my daughter if they had just brought it up to me ahead of time. These are also parents, not professional.
My son does play football and yes he is a star player. But I think we are talking about 2 different animals here. He gets photographed all of the time and I get copies of the pictures. However, no one is comparing his performance to another football player and no other parent sits at practice badmouthing his performance like they do in our gym.
I will be the first to admit that if a photographer were to take pictures of my dd at a meet, I would be thrilled. There was no photographer there yesterday because it was their first meet and the gyms thought it best to let the level 3's have the least amout of stress possible.
Just to let everyone know, parents did ask permission for photos with my dd after the meet.
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I see the various sides here and agree with all of them.

1) It is an open event so there is not much that you can do

2) If someone is creepy it would annoy me to see them taping Midget

3) I tape all the girls on Midget's team because she likes to watch the meets and wants to see her friends as well as herself. That being said though I did make sure it is OK that I do so. The other Dad's also have been taping all the girls. So come to think of it if I could get all the footage I could make a really cool video. Hmmm

Ok so I got off on a tangent. But yeah, totally don't think there is a way to MAKE someone stop, but maybe the gym could send a note out about etiquette?
Unless I read your post wrong you said the parent told you after the meet that they had taped all of your DD's routines. The fact that they told you would make it seem like to me that their intentions were good. Like they were letting you know in case you needed them. If they were taping them to go home and throw darts at the screen or something I don't think they would have told you.

We had a mom at the gym who would tape other girls during practice. I thought that was a little strange. She told me that she would have her DD watch so that she could see what something was supposed to look like. With that explanation I understood and didn't really see it as a problem. When this mom went to the meet she taped a girl from another team that we didn't know. She said she wanted her DD to see what a 9.8 looked like. While it's a bit strange, I don't really see any harm in it.
Well, I guess it depends on if they taped all the girls. If they just singled your kid out it would be weird. If they just taped them all they might have thought they were being helpful for parents who couldn't or wanted their daughter to have memories or something. I guess it's all in the intention. Myself, I'd ask permission first too, but some people don't always think of those things - particularly people who are less internet savvy, I think. They could have no intention of posting it anywhere and just watching it at home.

That said I suppose I still find it a bit over the top depending on intention. Compulsory parents are always trying to get the scores of every kid in the meet too. Slow your roll, people. I don't think people even realize how that kind of stuff can affect their kid. It makes way too much of a big deal about everything. Sit back, relax, and calm the heck down. It's a compulsory meet. Actually I'd feel the same about an optional meet but this behavior really significantly decreases by those.
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Easy way to clear things up. Next time you see this parent ask them if they have a copy you may borrow and ask if they vidoe the whole team in a casual way. I would be willing to bet they do and probably told you as many parents cannot video their kids and would like to. Like someone else mentioned I highly doubt they would tell you about it if they had some secret reason for doing so. But if you ask and they tell you it is only your kid or give some creepy reason go to the owner.
One mom from my gym used to do that, but to girls from another gym! Then her and her daughter would watch them back and say, ''This is how they are scoring higher than you.'' I think she only did that in level 4 and 5 though.. The girl is a level 7 now.
Totally on board with the gym/meet etiquette letter. Great idea :)

Just be sure not to single any individual out, and please try not to be confrontational with the coach. Explain your concern, and I'm sure they will be on board, too.

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