UPDATE: So we had our first virtual meet this weekend! Anyone else have one? From the gymnasts perspective (which is what really matters of course), it went very well. Everything ran really smooth . . . much lower stress as they were the only ones in our gym . . . but still had a competition experience. From the parent's perspective it was pretty bad. While the judges were viewing on a direct stream from a camera (ipad) set up with good angles, the parents were using Spot TV that our gym set up when we returned from the COVID break (since parents can no longer come in to observe practices). I'm not sure if the issue was that there were too many parents on at once, or our gym's wifi isn't good enough, or there was an issue at Spot TV. But, screens were frozen for half the meet and when it was working, it was tough to find your own child (since they all have the same leo and hair pulled up) and the picture was VERY pixelated.
I believe they had girls that weren't competing record all of the routines (as a back up in case something happened with the stream to the judges). So maybe we'll be able to get those so we can really watch/see what our daughters have been working on the last several months.
All in all, a mixed bag - frustrating for the parents but the gymnasts were able to get in a good competition experience (which when I'm not being admittedly selfish, I know is what is truly important.)