Parents Visiting gyms on vacation

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Proud Parent
Mar 6, 2009
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We are traveling for a dance competition for our dancer and will be having our gymnast be a guest at a nearby gym while we are there. I found a gym with the same age range in the same level and they seem great. I think she'll have a great experience. Anyone ever do this? Any advise?
My DD trained at a gym in Myrtle Beach when we visited my Dad last month. She had an AMAZING experience! She was definitely apprehensive at first (which is odd for her!), I think mostly because she quickly realized the kids were ahead of her, but the coaches were great with her and now she can't wait to go back! Good luck!
Not all coaches like the kids working with other coaches.
We have done this twice and had great experiences in both places!

Head coach in our gym knew the coaches at both places and called to ask it my son could join in. Can you ask your coach or gym owner for a referral? It's definitely fun for the gymnast to see other gyms in action (and learn that the same critiques apply everywhere).
My kids have done it and had good experiences. When we were in Hawaii a couple years ago during Christmas break, DS went to HITS. The guys were really nice and even invited him to their Christmas party.

DD has trained at Brestyan's when we were visiting family in MA. She had the experience of doing beam with Alicia Sacramone working on the next beam.
Our son did that a couple summers ago with the blessings of his coach (and with help from another awesome chalkbucket family). It was great for all involved. He enjoyed working with them, and they enjoyed seeing how he did some things.
We host kids from out of state every summer. Also, we have kids that leave for summer and train elsewhere. I think the coaches are more concerned with strength than skills acquired. They want them to stay physically fit.
My kids are instructed to get a few days in if they are gone more than a week. :)
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My dd never trains on vacation, we go on a cruise every year and she will go to the gym on board with me but that is it...I think vacation should be vacation! we never go more than a week to 9 days max...
It sure seems like it would be up to the gymnast, family and coaches as to what is best for each particular gymnast on vacation ... We've done it both ways and sometimes just fully allowed vacation time, but other times we've traveled right before meet season started and it was both helpful and a great experience for DD to be a guest at a gym.

Related question I've been pondering (and will also ask our own coaches soon) - but would love to hear from experienced parents and coaches.
We will be on vaca for much longer than usual this summer - 16 days - and I am torn about whether to give full time off or to visit at a gym a few days the second week. My DD benefits greatly from a week off here and there, but wants to make sure her skills are retained with extended time off. This vaca time will NOT be near the start of meet season for once.....just not sure what is best as my DD (will be L7) and she herself isn't sure.
We've done it twice.
A private in Hawaii and a team practice in New Orleans.
We are about to be out of the gym for 3 straight weeks and DD is afraid she will miss getting her L6 skills while the other girls do, so she will be doing (potentially) 3 separate practices in Ireland (and she likes the idea of being able to joke with friends that she "trained internationally". ;)
She will be doing one private, one team practice, and we aren't definite about the third just yet.

It's not for everyone, it totally depends on the child as to whether or not she finds this a fun thing to do. If not, then absolutely not - vacation is indeed a fun time :)
We tried to set up training near our cabin lat year. Our coach told us the gym was unresponsive to our request. So, we have work outs to maintain strength. She does them three--4 days a week while we are at the lake. We always make it fun and hang out by the lake - sometimes the family gets involved and tries to keep up with her!
Wow.. I had no idea that this was a "thing".

I'm probably going to be most unpopular, but I couldn't think of anything worse than training on vacation. Isn't the point of vacations to get away from the everyday daily grind?
Depends on the kid. Some kids retain skills and its no big deal, while some kids lose skills. I have some kids who can miss a few weeks and its like they never took a day off , while others suffer major setbacks. So when in doubt get a few days in.
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Wow.. I had no idea that this was a "thing".

I'm probably going to be most unpopular, but I couldn't think of anything worse than training on vacation. Isn't the point of vacations to get away from the everyday daily grind?

Depends on the kid. Some kids retain skills and its no big deal, while some kids lose skills. I have some kids who can miss a few weeks and its like they never took a day off , while others suffer major setbacks. So when in doubt get a few days in.

It also depends on the kid in a different sense - if she thinks it's fun to meet new people while having fun in the gym, then it's not part of the daily grind, it's "fun".
But also, think of a runner who runs, say, 5 miles a day. I know many runners who run each day while they're on vacation, it's what they like to do. If it's something they want to do, more power to 'em. (Whereas I can personally think of about 20 things more fun to do on vacation than run!)

On the contrary - there are gymmies who will go work out with their parents on vacation, but not train. Mine won't. She much prefers visiting a gym and working skills, and meeting new people.
It was 100% her idea. I just supported it. All kids are different. I don't see anything wrong with taking time off, or getting a few days in :)

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