Parents Vow of secrecy?

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This was my reaction - unless this is elite training for our national team, it's just ridiculous. So this gym feels the need to shrowd its methods for teaching basic skills like kips and giants to young gymnasts in complete secrecy? As though their training is so "special" it is worthy of a patent or has some game-changing/international significance. Nuts and arrogant if you ask me, and I too would question the values of that place if it were my kid.

Of course, there's also the possibility that the girl was just making it up to make herself seem cool - or maybe she's gonna be a level lower than she was hoping and didn't want to admit it once your daughter revealed her skills and level. Also, once the season starts it will be quite easy to find out what levels this gym is competing their girls - if anyone even cares that is ;/ - so this secrecy they are trying to uphold isnt going to last long anyways.

I had numerous questions about the values, which is why my DD is at a new gym. It could be the girl(s), but if you were familiar with the gym I don't think it'd be hard to believe it's legit either.

Honestly, the girl is a better gymnast than my DD, skill wise, so I would think if she were going to be negative it would be by crowing. Heck, I don't even think my DD is competing next season. I told my DD to just let it go (and I continue to prod her to simply let the girls go too), and I will do likewise.

I was just curious about the whole thing. Like someone else said, what does any normal gym even do that's worth shrouding in secrecy? Across the many gyms we've seen, the training is remarkably similar. Everything else comes out during the season anyway. There are actually too many gyms here to make competition a big deal anyway. DDs old and new gym only even competed a single meet together, and that was states.
Wait.... your kid left the gym , went to another gym and now her old teammates don't want to let her know what they are working... Sorry but i just don't see the sinister side of this at all.
Wait.... your kid left the gym , went to another gym and now her old teammates don't want to let her know what they are working... Sorry but i just don't see the sinister side of this at all.

Not sinister per se- the title of the thread was joking- but I did and do find it odd that there is a rule not to talk to outsiders. There are many things about that gym that I've never shared here, but for sure there is fishy stuff and this seems off to me. My DD has many gymnast friends from many gyms and she has never come across this before. Generally the girls catch up and naturally talk about gym. It's a huge part of all their lives. The oddest part of this really was that the girl contacted my DD, brought up gym, and then the secrecy came up. She could've talked about school or summer camps or whatever. Anyway, obviously you're entitled to your opinion. In just the short time since I started this thread, the gym has shut it's doors anyway. Yup, plot twist, I guess.
Wait.... your kid left the gym , went to another gym and now her old teammates don't want to let her know what they are working... Sorry but i just don't see the sinister side of this at all.
I don't get this. They are still friends, why would they not want to share what new stuff they've been learning? Even if she doesn't go into detail in what goes on at practice, I can see a"I've been learning xyz skills" as a normal part if two gymnasts catching up. It's not like football plays where sharing the information can jeopardize a teams success.
Wait, the gym the other girl was still going to? The secretive one?!?

Yes. Some interesting stuff is going on there, I guess. Suffice to say I think we were lucky to leave when we did, but I hope it all comes back together somehow- for the other girls sakes. My YDDs coach actually asked me tonight if I knew what was coming and that's why we left. I said no, but I'm glad I finally trusted my instincts.
I don't get this. They are still friends, why would they not want to share what new stuff they've been learning? Even if she doesn't go into detail in what goes on at practice, I can see a"I've been learning xyz skills" as a normal part if two gymnasts catching up. It's not like football plays where sharing the information can jeopardize a teams success.

Exactly! My DD would normally be like, "I added a tuck half on beam" and then her friend would tell her they got a full..etc, like that. It's not like anyone is saying, "Oh we do this amazing drill that makes everything easier and will help us win everything! Let me explain it to you step-by-step."
Exactly! My DD would normally be like, "I added a tuck half on beam" and then her friend would tell her they got a full..etc, like that. It's not like anyone is saying, "Oh we do this amazing drill that makes everything easier and will help us win everything! Let me explain it to you step-by-step."

LOL> But in the boys' side, I think that is exactly what would happen, at least here. Sheesh D texts his friends at other gyms when he gets a new skill, and vice versa. Then they text tips. It is sad to think that they couldn't share something that worked for them. Even the "top gym" here (multiple nationals winners every year) will come over and give tips to other gymnasts at meets during warm ups and invite each other to clinics/camps. That is the way this sport should be. I will never understand the need for "can't show my routine, can't show this drill, can't talk about stuff." very strange to me.
Not sinister per se- the title of the thread was joking- but I did and do find it odd that there is a rule not to talk to outsiders. There are many things about that gym that I've never shared here, but for sure there is fishy stuff and this seems off to me. My DD has many gymnast friends from many gyms and she has never come across this before. Generally the girls catch up and naturally talk about gym. It's a huge part of all their lives. The oddest part of this really was that the girl contacted my DD, brought up gym, and then the secrecy came up. She could've talked about school or summer camps or whatever. Anyway, obviously you're entitled to your opinion. In just the short time since I started this thread, the gym has shut it's doors anyway. Yup, plot twist, I guess.
Do share, after all it's all in the details.
Do share, after all it's all in the details.

Except it's generally frowned upon in this sport to speak ill of a gym. Even if they deserve it. Locally, I would definitely tell people looking for a gym to look elsewhere and explain why, but here? Meh. No reason. I got my daughter out, so I'm good. Like I said, this just made me curious.
Except it's generally frowned upon in this sport to speak ill of a gym. Even if they deserve it. Locally, I would definitely tell people looking for a gym to look elsewhere and explain why, but here? Meh. No reason. I got my daughter out, so I'm good. Like I said, this just made me curious.
This I do understand. The gym community is very small. Sad it closed though. Hope the girls find teams that work for them!
Except it's generally frowned upon in this sport to speak ill of a gym. Even if they deserve it. Locally, I would definitely tell people looking for a gym to look elsewhere and explain why, but here? Meh. No reason. I got my daughter out, so I'm good. Like I said, this just made me curious.
You said the gym is now closed , so what difference does it make ?
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You said the gym is now closed , so what difference does it make ?

It's closed it's physical doors, but it still exists as a business and the families still exist as patrons. I don't need to gossip all the details around here. Have I somehow riled you up more than usual?
It's closed it's physical doors, but it still exists as a business and the families still exist as patrons. I don't need to gossip all the details around here. Have I somehow riled you up more than usual?
you said they closed and you had other information , naturally I (likely others) am curious.. No need to be rude with the "more than usual" comment.. You did ask for input....
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LOL> But in the boys' side, I think that is exactly what would happen, at least here. Sheesh D texts his friends at other gyms when he gets a new skill, and vice versa. Then they text tips. It is sad to think that they couldn't share something that worked for them. Even the "top gym" here (multiple nationals winners every year) will come over and give tips to other gymnasts at meets during warm ups and invite each other to clinics/camps. That is the way this sport should be. I will never understand the need for "can't show my routine, can't show this drill, can't talk about stuff." very strange to me.

This is so true! My DS has come home from a few meets and told me that a kid from a different gym gave him a tip on how to fix something that he has had a problem with. I really do enjoy the boys' side of this sport a little more than the drama of the girls' side. Though, I wish that the boys' side would take some pointers from the girls' side with stuff like age groups!

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