WAG "warming up" DURING a competition?

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Maybe I am confused, but I think this occurs all the time. I think it is a modified Capital Cup format. Whenever the athetes "rotate" to the next event, they get a short warmup period on that equipment/event. I have actually never been to a meet where the girls warmup on all equipment after the open stretch/warm-up and then never get a touch on the equipment again before competing.
Our boys have one true capital cup meet a year, wtih 2 sets of equipment, one for warm up and one for competition. Most meets are modified capital cup, where they warm up-compete each event with the same equipment. Occassionally they do a traditional, where they warm up everything and then compete everything.

Is this the same for girls?
Different meet types have different warm-up formats - I can't remember all the names/types off the top of my head. We've only been to meets like the one you described, if I am understanding your description correctly. My DD has been competing for 7 years and she has competed up & down the West coast.

Normally, there is open warm-up for all teams before the meet starts. About 25-30 minutes. Next is March-in/team intros. After intros, teams report to their first event and begin timed warm-ups on that event. After warm-up, they compete. The team then rotates to the next event to warm-up and compete. On floor, it is common to see an entire team cross tumble for warm-up prior to competing. Often, floor is the last event to begin competition because of warm-ups.
This is how I've seen meets run in this area as well.
Our boys have one true capital cup meet a year, wtih 2 sets of equipment, one for warm up and one for competition. Most meets are modified capital cup, where they warm up-compete each event with the same equipment. Occassionally they do a traditional, where they warm up everything and then compete everything.

Is this the same for girls?

We've never been to a traditional format meet and we've been to some of the biggest meets from Washington to California to Arizona. All are modified capital cup (I think) where you warm up on the equipment you compete on right before you compete.
Our girls typically do modified capital cup...traditional is more common for boys here. What the OP is describing sounds like modified capital, but only one team was doing it...? My guess is somehow they missed their regular warmup time.
It's so interesting to see all these regional differences. I would love to go to another part of the country to experience a meet. I don't see that much travel in our near future, but I think it would be a real eye opener. I wonder how our girls would do with a Traditional format.
Our boys do not like traditional format at all, however it tends to be nicer for the parents!
Why, oh why, are we stuck in an area that does everything Traditional format? It sounds like other meet styles are preferred by most.

What are the advantages of Traditional?
To me, time seems to be one advantage. As a spectator, it goes quicker. YOu can drop off for warm ups and come back right before the competition starts. Then they just fly through the events :) Easy peasy. But not really the best for the gymnasts..
What I like about traditional is that I can get the kid there for warm ups and my husband can show up an hour later with the other 2 kids for the actual competition part of it. So I don't have 2 kids fussing about being "so BORED" during warm ups. What I like about capital cup is that it seems to make sense for the kids competing - that they warm up on the event, then compete it, rather than having such a long break between warming up and actually doing the event.

I think I have only been to one capital cup meet for girls so far (almost done with my girls' 2nd season). My son is about to start his 3rd season and I'd say the majority of his meets are capital cup.

This meet was definitely NOT any type of capital cup. There must have been something going on for these girls to have gotten to do the floor warm up mid meet when none of the other teams did (they weren't bigger than any of the other groups and weren't late), so I don't know what it was; but I imagine it must have been something.
As a parent, I HATE traditional. At one meet, boys had 10 minutes to warm up each event...X 6...an HOUR to wait! Not long enough to leave, but excruciating to watch that clock count down from 10 and start over, again and again..
I like capital cup the best, because the one we do, they warm up where we can't see them, so we can't obsess over how they are doing :) But modified capital cup is the norm around here.
I've never been to a meet like that. For me a traditional meet is warm up, go to the first event, time warm-up that event, compete that event, move to the second event, repeat. In that set up its normal to see teams warming up between people's floor routines because that's their timed warm-up for floor.
Why, oh why, are we stuck in an area that does everything Traditional format? It sounds like other meet styles are preferred by most.

What are the advantages of Traditional?

No real advantage except the judges are moving pretty continuously once competition starts and have time off during the strict warm up time. Also it is used in FIG/NCAA (where the format is driven by network televised competitions). But realistically for JO nothing. It's just how it used to be done until a better way was developed. hence why it is rarely used anymore. Throughout the country most girls meets are capital cup or modified capital cup. Boys have been a bit slower to change over completely.
I'm finding it so interesting to learn that for most of the country the boys are still doing more of the traditional and the girls are almost all doing capital cup. We are totally flip flopped on that!!
Us to 2G1B! Almost all of our meets are modified capital cup (not true capital cup). The girls tend to do more traditional, at least at the compulsary levels.
I have no idea how boys meets here are run. Nearly all girls meets are now modified capital cup, but some are true capital cup (few). Our compulsories used to be all traditional, but last year qualifiers and State switched to the modified capital cup, so most invitationals followed suite.
Our boys meets are mostly traditional - except for regionals & our big invitationals. I like it when they warm up in the secret gym. I constantly watch for his feet popping up over the curtains- kinda like I spy!
At our meets (in my bit of the UK anyway), they have a mass general warm up at the start. Then they are split into groups and at the start of each rotation they have a timed warm up. Then everyone sits down and they all compete.

Except for the beam. There we run what we call an American warm up. One girl performs, then while the judges are scoring, the next warms up. They alternate like that so for each individual gymnast they warm up, then watch one other girl compete, then someone else warms up, then they compete. I think that's right - I'm suddenly doubting myself.

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