There is one newer family at our gym. (Been here since Nov) Their dd was level 4 with my dd this past season(spring). At our last meet, the mom told the dd if she made 37 AA they would go out for pedicures. Her dd did not score the 37. Mom could be heard saying, "If you'd only done so and so on the beam, you'd have scored your 37, so no pedicure for you." shameful!
what makes it worse is, this same family, at 1st meet of season (happened to be our own hosted meet) the dad is sitting right next to me and starts to camcord his dd on her bars routine...she falls out of her middle circle...he swears and slams the camera shut and walks away....I'm horrified!!! This girl came with a history from another gym-she went to one of those really strict, really and competed with them two years as a l4(at age 6 and age 7) they stressed her out so bad she quit and her mom says she wouldn't even do a cartwheel for almost 2 years!! Then, this little girl says she wants to do gym again, but refuses to go back to the power gym, so they bring her to ours. Now, after hearing and seeing the character and attitude of her parents, I'm wondering if it was the old gym coaches that freaked this little girl out or her parents!!
My dd has made good friends with this girl, and she seems a sweet girl, but you can tell she focuses on scores and winning. I have a feeling she may not be long for this sport...sad...
IMHO- If you want to reward...catch your kid behaving in a way you are proud of...and make a point to tell them! Give the little treat AFTER the accomplishment, don't promise it beforehand, let it be a surprise!
Bribing can totally backfire...
I'm betting the kid who needs to be paid $20 per 9 isn't going to remain in this sport long, either.