Parents Watching practice woes

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Proud Parent
Dec 29, 2015
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I got to practice about 20 minutes early tonight and watched my daughter training a bail/bale (i can never spell Gymnastics moves). I don’t think my nerves can take bar release moves. That was a whole lot of future broken bones I just watched.

This is a whole new level of terror.
Yup. When I have to stay at practice (we drive an hour and some days I just have to work), I sit with my back to whatever event my son is on. I have survived the tkachev training, and now he is working the yamawaki and many other things that just give me gray hairs!
My daughter has been training and competing the pak for about a year now and I still cringe every single time she does it, I just envision her hands slipping and her face implanting into the bar....beam still scares the you know what out of me but bars is a close second!!
Yep- DD knows that I will only come in the gym if they are stretching or conditioning! I literally did not watch anything this past seasonuntil she was off the event, then I watched the video. Lol! Not sure my nerves will survive level 10- I’m keeping my hairdresser in business covering all the grey hair!
I usually don't watch, it all looks like a spinal injury or concussion waiting to happen to me.. The other day, he was doing something on the high bar that involves releasing it and then jumping over, and he caught his foot on the bar and basically did a face plant from the bar height. Got right up, coach asked if he was ok and back to practice he went.
About a month ago, I saw my kid miss a Bhavsar. No more pbars for me! I guess though the saving grace is that by this point, they know how to fall and they are paying attention every time they try to make a new skill. Watching early BHSs, especially with some of the more squirrelly little guys, is actually scarier to me.
I enjoyed gymnastics so much more when I stopped watching practices and stopped "caring" about whether she will get this skill or that skill or wondering if she could benefit from more privates etc... Now, the only time I get palpitations and heart attacks are at meets.
DD is training Level 8 she askes that I watch some practice every week. I admit the skills are getting scarier but from this Dad's perspective, but I do like to watch during my weekly watch assignment because it helps me relax during Meet season knowing she is able to complete her routines. Additionally seeing her smile while working on the new skill makes it all worthwhile.
DD is training Level 8 she askes that I watch some practice every week. I admit the skills are getting scarier but from this Dad's perspective, but I do like to watch during my weekly watch assignment because it helps me relax during Meet season knowing she is able to complete her routines. Additionally seeing her smile while working on the new skill makes it all worthwhile.

I was ok with L8 as well. :D L9 and 10 are whole different ball games! I used to love watching practice when I got a chance. Once she started releases on bars, layouts on beam and double backs on floor, I no longer came in early to catch the last 20 minutes of practice. :eek:
DD is training Level 8 she askes that I watch some practice every week. I admit the skills are getting scarier but from this Dad's perspective, but I do like to watch during my weekly watch assignment because it helps me relax during Meet season knowing she is able to complete her routines. Additionally seeing her smile while working on the new skill makes it all worthwhile.
I feel the same way. My daughter's gym started a closed door policy right after she finished level 3 so I didn't see her do ANYTHING from her Level 3 state meet to her first mobility meet to score out of level 4. That meet, and the level 5 meet immediately afterwards, were unbelievably stressful for me. When I last saw her she didn't have a solid kip, let alone a free hip, flyaway, or even a decent tap swing. She had never touched a vault table, and was still getting a heavy spot on her back tuck. I couldn't imagine how she could be ready for level 5! Of course, she was and did great, but I would have felt much better if I could have seen her at practice once or twice before the competitions!

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