An honest account of what it can be like to be a gym mom. I certainly spent my time reading it nodding along with some of the issues encountered. Worth a read if you have a space 10 minutes.
Opening paragraph:
"I often wonder what the outcome would have been had I made different choices in respect to my daughter’s gymnastics career. Many scenarios flit through my mind – ranging from sporting achievements to short and long-term health outcomes and all the variables in between. I have been asked on many occasions whether I regret removing my daughter from a coach I considered abusive, considering the performative results her athletes have since achieved. I always reply, my only regret is not moving her sooner. This discourse of achievement runs deep within elite gymnastics; the methods of producing results overlooked for the attainment of International success."
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Opening paragraph:
"I often wonder what the outcome would have been had I made different choices in respect to my daughter’s gymnastics career. Many scenarios flit through my mind – ranging from sporting achievements to short and long-term health outcomes and all the variables in between. I have been asked on many occasions whether I regret removing my daughter from a coach I considered abusive, considering the performative results her athletes have since achieved. I always reply, my only regret is not moving her sooner. This discourse of achievement runs deep within elite gymnastics; the methods of producing results overlooked for the attainment of International success."
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