What are you scariest falls ???

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funny fall

i was at a meet, and i was in the same level as a girl who's brother i was crushing on. he walked in while i was on beam and i watched him while he sat down and i was doing a straddle jump 3/4 twist which turned into a straddle jump, to a seatdrop on the beam, it got him to look, but it turned out he brought some friends (who i also liked) and they all laughed. it sucked. but i got over it when i learned to laugh about it. however my coach did call me butt girl for a while.
Well i think everyones is very embarressing so i dont thin k mine will be any good........
Once when i was in level 4 on floor at a competition i can t remember what skill i did but at the time i wore glasses and they came off right where i had to do alot of my steps i never once stepped on them i finished my routine saluted the walked to get my glasses with no expression on my face i was humiliated then i walked towards my team they where all laughing at me and i wanted to cry because i thought i was going to get a horrible score it turns out i got like a high 9 i was so excited and surprised!!!!
I would have to say my attempt at a straddle back by myself was the scariest... I missed the bar and caught my neck on the way down... I looked like I had a huge hickey and I couldn't talk for awhile. It happened twice too! Like a month later. Needless to say, I never ever tried that trick again.
well one time i was doing yer chancos w/ a spot. when i am about to BHS, i totally go crooked on the opposite side my coach was spotting!! my coach leans over the vault and grabs my leg to try to catch me, but i landed on my head. and than there is another one about someone else. one time she was just learning BHS on beam, and when she is about to get up she takes a deep breath and says "Ok, I can do this," and when she is almost up on the beam, she trips over it!! So it sounded more like "Ok, I can- AAAHHH!!!" And we all burst out laughing!!
hahaha these are great. me i just trip randomly over absolutely nothing. my one friend RK she was doing a clear hip i think and both hands slipped off the bar. and she started to fall hands first and our coach reached out and caught her by one ankle. its the kind of thing that you would think inly happens one it a million. our coach at the time was kinda mean in a funny way ( however thats possibe) was like she should have broken both arms rite before states. maybe you had to be there... or be as crazy as our team.
oh and one time i was doing fulls into the pit and i entered the pit at an angle my legs slid under so i was entirely wedged. i tried to jump up and forward and literally the whole pit went forward with me and then sucked me back in! meanwhile my two coaches a cracking up at me instead of helping me get out!
hahaha these are great. me i just trip randomly over absolutely nothing. my one friend RK she was doing a clear hip i think and both hands slipped off the bar. and she started to fall hands first and our coach reached out and caught her by one ankle. its the kind of thing that you would think inly happens one it a million. our coach at the time was kinda mean in a funny way ( however thats possibe) was like she should have broken both arms rite before states. maybe you had to be there... or be as crazy as our team.
i did the clearhip one the other day while my coach was spotting me and he cought me by one ankle and it was so scary bcuz he tells us not to put our hands down and my head was two inches from the ground. it was SCARY!!!!!!!!!!
ugh, one time on the beam i was doing a switch leap and when i tried to land both of my feet slipped and went on each side of the beam, so if you've seen stick it, it's like the fall that lacey had. probably not my scariest but definitely the most painful!
Just yesterday I was doing a back-walkover handstand thingy( I do the first part of a back-walkover and when I put my hands down I hold it in a handstand and then stepdown) I landed and then my foot slipped and then I slid down the beam and I have a huge scratch on my leg...funny thing right about a year ago I was doing a cartwheel and did the same thing. The scracth was the same size and everything!!!! I bursted out laughing and the coaches were looking at me like crazy...cuz it was almost bleeding!!!!!! and I was laughing. Especially cause I had a new coach than last year so they didnt know. One of my teamates got it too and started laughing too and the coaching told us we wee crazy and walked away to coach a different girl. We rolled on the floor for like 5 minutes before we stopped.
Good times
I landed and then my foot slipped and then I slid down the beam and I have a huge scratch on my leg...funny thing right about a year ago I was doing a cartwheel and did the same thing. The scracth was the same size and everything!!!!

A similar thing happened to me while doing cartwheels. Only instead of a scratch, I had a mean, deep bruise that wouldn't go away for months- I was so sure I cracked the bone.. Didn't do good for my stress fractures, either.
My scariest fall was probably having my hand slip on a bwo on beam, ending up in a face plant. Not even a horrible fall, but it started a huge mental block on bwo and I am still terrified of them. (Yet I'm doing bhs on beam now and I'm not scared of them at all, or at least, not very much :p)
Lol everyone. On week we were warming up switch leaps omn beam, and i had atarted out with baby ones (you just sort of jump in place and swing your leg) and the I started walking in to them. Well I messed up and sort of did so weird hitch kick thing and ended up with my bad foot landing one the beam, and my good leg unt he air next to the beam. needless to say i fell pretty hard. My bad leg slipped sideways off the beam, and i slpit it at kind of an angle. them i tipped sideways and wacked my anckle on the metal part at the end of the beam. all of the sudden i was spralled out on the floor UNDER the beam. My coach haden't seen the whole thing so she looked at me like i was crazy. I was pretty shaken up and haven't done a switch leap on the beam since. :P
I just had a new one a couple weeks ago... I think it's my best to date...

Well we were doing two-to-twos for vault warmup, and after I did mine I decided to do a back tuck off the horse, and I must have not started close enough to the edge or pulled in or something, because I landed with my arms like this | | grabbing the vault, hanging off the edge. Thank goodness it was a trainer vault!!

Oh and another time I was doing a back handspring on the tramp, so I could really get the form down and jazz, and I was sooo focused on keeping my legs tight that I forgot about my arms and I bent them landed on my head! Didn't hurt but was still kinda freaky.

Split leaps are the essence of evil... My friend was doing one once and, being her, not paying enough attention and missed her landing leg and hit her chest on the beam *eek* Funny thing is, she was doing it on the same beam that my other friend had fallen (badly) out of a handstand. I think that beam is cursed.
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ok-well this is a beam falls i've had :rolleyes: Once we were watching beam routines and our coach had us sit on one of the high beams to watch. i went to jump up. but when i turned and jumped i missed the beam and kept going over the beam:rolleyes:
also a scry fall on bars...i was doing meet warmup on bars in level 5..i was on high bar doin tapswings and i guess i didnt regrip...i peeled off the bar and straddled the low bar:eek:i was a little shaken up aftr but i was fine:)
The biggest ones for me were on bars I pulled in on a pak really badly and ended up hitting my ankles on the high bar and landed on my head. No injuries with that one, just a concussion test. On beam nothing more then straddling, getting a red raspberry or the occasional miss by a hand or foot on something. Floor I was doing a hitch kick for basics and rolled the first ankle that came down and fractured the growth plate in my ankle. Vault I started at the wrong spot or the board was wrong, I don't know but I missed a foot doing a yurchenko and flopped onto the horse.
lol some of these are funny!!

Hmmm funny falls that i've had...well the other day I was doing vault and I missed the board and crashed into the vault.:D My coaches cracked up.

Annother time i kicked my shin doing a roundoff...that wasn't that funny but my coach seemed to think so.:o
this one is sorta funny but maybe not

one time on bars i jumped to high it was too far so i slip right o on to my bottem i didnt just do that once but twice:):):):):):(:(:(:(:(
so the other day just for fun i was working dropdowns? you swing on highbar and let go to catch lowbar and glide out. and i peeled off lowbar amd pretty much went sledding on my butt across the matt. didint scare me but scared everyone else. lol they are funnnnn btw
Worst beam fall was on a cat leap; first foot missed, and I ended up straddling the beam and then rotating around so that I faced the opposite direction and on the floor.

Worst Bars fall was doing a back hip circle on the low bar; as far as I can figure, I lost my grip as I was going under the bar, hit my legs on the bar and landed on my head/neck. I was pretty shook up by that one, but fortunately no lasting injuries.
WOW sooooooooo many !Were on floor an I was just learning our floor routines.An i was awfull i hade no seen this routine before they just throu me in an the older girls an boys were coming in I hade allmost the intire gym looking at me ! :P

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