Our economy makes a big difference, in comparisons from the US to Australia. Australia’s population is centred around a small number of major cities, with much of the rest of the country having a very low population.
The cost of real estate for gyms is the first big hurdle. In the smaller towns real estate is cheaper, but there are not the population numbers to support large gyms. In the major cities the cost of the venue is very high. I know there are places in the US where it is higher, but we lack the middle ground they have. Equipment is harder to purchase here too. We have very few suppliers, they can charge a lot, and it can take a long time for equipment to arrive. If we purchase from overseas, we pay a great deal more. Very few gyms in this country really have the space or the facilities to produce truly competitive international gymnasts.
Sure we have a higher number of international gymnasts per Capita in comparison to the US, but there is a big difference in standards. What we call elite and what the Us calls elite is a very different ball game. Many of the US level 9’s and 10’s would beat our elites in competition.
Sure the standard of gymnastics in Australia has increased, but we are not even playing in the same league.
I know everyone has a different idea of whether they felt it was a valuable decision to bring Mihai to Australia. I did not agree with it. To have a national coach, that lives on the other side of the world and has his own gym on the other side of the world, didn’t seem like an ideal way to run the sport. We can’t expect to bring someone in to take our seniors to the next level either, you can’t change the state of the sport in one Olympic cycle, the changes needed to happen at the lower end of the sport and then to be brought through the ranks.
The reality of elite gymnastics is unfortunately still wrought with pain, injuries, depression, eating disorders, body image issues and often some very serious mental health issues. Even with all the changes happening in our sport, I don’t see this changing too quickly.