The difference seems to be that your schedule allows your daughter to quit at certain points, but if she continues past a certain age, she is required to not only continue but to get a scholarship. What most of us are trying to tell you is there’s a huge difference between an 11 year old, skipping levels at the top of her game, and a 16 year old whose body hurts, is more interested in having a social life, trying to decide what she wants to study and where. And as the kid gets older, they become more independent and better advocates for themselves. So maybe they could get a gymnastics scholarship, but would rather study something they love.
there’s a lot of attrition going into MS and again into HS. So goals you and your daughter set up when she’s 11 might not be important to her at 15. Even if she sticks with it to college there’s no guarantee she stays with the team. My brother had a soccer scholarship, played for a year on the team and then quit because he wanted to be a doctor and academics had to be top.