What does an elite gymnast look like as a child?

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It's impossible to predict at such an early stage who has elite potential and who doesn't. Plenty of kids look great when they're young and stay great, plenty look great and then turn out average, plenty look average and turn out amazing.... all manner of combinations are possible and in fact typical.

At such a young age, the focus for her should not be on where she's going, but on where she is now. Is she enjoying gymnastics? Is she staying safe? Is she progressing? If so, all is well.
I'd follow her lead on this so she doesn't resent it later. As she gets older, you can think more about where she wants to go with it in her future. She does sound like a very wonderful little girl! Only thing I would suggest is no more competing with 104 degree fevers, but then again, maybe I'm a bit more paranoid than most. Good luck to you both!

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