First off, I apologize in advance for rambling on and all the errors…
I can only speak for myself and what we do as a program to increase the odds of kids making it to L10 and then College. Because what you need to do as a parent and a program is to eliminate as many things as possible that will reduce the odds.
As a program we have recognized several things that reduce odds and adopted guidelines to eliminate them.
First off, who am I and what has our program done. A bit of history about our program. Several years ago, we were “that” program. “My DD is at a program with great compulsory but they are new and have no upper level kids”. Yep, that was us and frankly every program in the country at some point. The parents were concerned that we didn’t have the ability to get our kids to 10 and of course… college as well. It didn’t help that a nearby gym was telling everyone that they were the only gym around that can do this…. Yes that really happens in our sport… And I will tell you what I tell everyone, NO GYM has exclusivity on who a college looks at or signs… You as a gymnast/Parent have the tools to get yourself / child noticed THE END… We also heard “My DD has no one to look up to, they don’t have upper levels” hog wash…. All that matters is
will my DD make it from compulsory to L10? Then will she last ? The end… Remember if you DD has no one to look up to, then she is at the top and is getting all the attention.
Over the years we have had a very young team and have brought them up to L10 at different rates. One gymnast was a L10 at 6th grade, while the other was a L10 at 9th grade, while another was a L10 at 11th… and so on. When they are ready they are ready. That’s a no brainer. But the hard part is keeping them in the sport. PERIOD.. How are my kids doing?
Here is a break down of our L10’s
3 have made it to college (one was a full ride, one turned down offers to walk on at UCLA, the other was a walk on to whoever would take her! )., Now that may not seem like many, but most of you are looking to hear from “that gym” that didn’t have anything and evolved to something. Well that us. Also remember we can’t get kids to college, (nor can your gym), until they graduate! J What about our existing kids? 5 of our current L 10’s have accepted verbals for Full Athletic Scholarship, 1 accepted a partial to the school of her dreams, 1 accepted a walk on to the school of her dreams. YAY! Because several years ago I was sweating it out thinking, “my god when will my kids get offers”…. And now we have to keep them in the sport and make sure that they don’t lose the spot! It never ends! J
How did we do it? And what did we eliminate or change? I will post these separate... It’s going to take me some time to write it all down!

Please understand that I am not looking to debate our tactics here, this is what we do and in my opinion why we are 1 of only 7 teams nationwide with 10 or more Level 10’s on our team who were raised from compulsory level. (thank you Chalkwarrior for doing that study). I will post more this week. But leave you with the Three biggest killers
1. Loss of interest
2. Fear
3. Injury
All three of these have multiple sub categories and are intertwined by parenting. More later. Gotta enjoy my only day off.