Keeping them interested.
Gymnastics is already hard enough right? All we can do is try to eliminate the things that may drive them away and guide them through the tough times.
A few things
Hitting puberty
Ugh.... The girl who hits puberty and wants to quit to hang at the mall. Seriously sometimes these kids just turn into different people and reject everything. Often these kids get too cool for school and think they are smarter than everyone else. It’s like that sweet little girl disappeared and got really smart but not… It’s pretty common for kids to get stagnant or even get worse at gymnastics during this time.. This is hard and this is where…. Drum roll….. YOU as a parent get to step in and help! YAY! Unfortunately you are probably just a perplexed as we are at that time. J I always do my best to explain to the kid and parent that these feelings and emotions are not real and they will subside but it may take a few months (yea, more like 6-8 on average). So often they just up and quit, but sometimes with the parents help they are kept in. Meaning the parents refuse them an exit until several months have passed, this actually works but is a slipper slope. So we do what we can and cross our fingers. Sorry no magic potion here. This is when the fun stuff and a strong team bond are very helpful.
I will say that I can think of a few kids who recently went all the way through this and 1 just got committed to a full ride athletic scholarship. The other made it though to the other side and is kicking herself for basically getting nothing done for a year. I just told her 3 hours ago, that we can’t make up for last year or be angry about it, moving on!
Smothering parents
So of course you guessed it, Keeping the parents out of the coaching aspect of the sport is a big one. Why? Because they could suck the fun out of it by “trying to help”. I know, I know! I keep going back to this… I really do like my parents!
But guys, eventually they hit puberty and want to be left alone. Again we are eliminating anything that sucks the fun out of gym. Sorry that could be you.
Boring coaches / workouts
This is pretty simple, there needs to be a couple of coaches that the kids at least enjoy being around. After all we are spending years together hours at a time.
When they are young they will take a lot, but when they get older they do need a little humanity and fun. So I encourage the coaches to play games, team the kids up, keep it interesting, be animated, get loud but be strict at the same time.
We also shake things up by having a couple of water balloon battles in the back parking lot, (last time we went through 1400 water balloons). The kids remember that stuff. We also have a spirit week, that has a different theme each day. Crazy hair, costume contest, ninja warrior day, treasure hunt day and then the water balloon finally. Today in fact it was over 100 in the gym, which is not common, so…. We took 21 upper level kids to smoothie king to cool off. Obviously we can’t do that often, nor do I want them drinking smoothies, but every once in a while you have to throw them a bone.
We also give away stuff on occasion, like key chains or stickers. We recently bought 100 emoji key chains for like $30 bucks and wow…. They will do anything to win one of those.
Problems beyond the gym (divorce, school etc..)
This is a biggie and I have absolutely lost kids to parents splitting etc… Just let your coaches know that something is up so we can do our best to give the kid an oasis from the home problems.
I always tell the kids school is not important and gym is the only thing in life. Of course I am joking when I tell them this, and they no longer laugh at it because my jokes are old.

But I do realize that the kids do miss school for gym to travel, so missing gym for a school function is just life. I encourage the kids to go to the homecoming game and one or two other football games a year. This is important as it gives them a sense of unity to the school, which is important for college in my opinion. So well worth it and again… throwing them a bone.
Simple really we don’t let them date, talk or even look at boys. Yea right! Good luck with that!
Anyways, I am sure I missed a bunch but you get the gist.
Next topic is injury and rehab.