Parents What is Your Child's Favorite Event?

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DD16: Beam and bars, likes dancing on floor but tumbling is a sore point compared to her others. DD13 Everything besides bars!! Bar dismounts are ok in her books too. DD8 Everything about gymnastics! Probably least vault but not too bad.
Beam always gives me the shivers lol!
DD16: Beam and bars, likes dancing on floor but tumbling is a sore point compared to her others. DD13 Everything besides bars!! Bar dismounts are ok in her books too. DD8 Everything about gymnastics! Probably least vault but not too bad.
Beam always gives me the shivers lol!
Wanted to edit to add but too late: Favourite evens obviously doesn't run in families!!
My dd is 6 so her opinion changes a lot, but I think bars. She has started declaring her love for beam recently, but generally loves it all climbing the rope was her fave the other day!
My daughter loves bars the best, but has come to love beam due to her own consistency. She realized recently that she hadn’t fallen off beam in a competition since 2016, and it makes it easy to love competing the event.

Wow, that is impressive! I definitely can't say the same about my daughter. :D

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