We didn't do too many travel meets, but I always enjoyed the Colorado Gymnastic Institute's "Denver Winterfest" Meet. They held it at the University of Denver, which has a great gym team (DD did summer camps there) and gorgeous facilities. It was always well run and organized and over the years more out of state teams came. If you're from out of state Denver is a great town to visit, even in the winter the weather can be in the 70s and the mountains are close for a visit.
The Lady Luck Invitational in Las Vegas was a lot of fun as I remember. It's held a hotel/casino which can be fun for the girls and parents alike.
In 2004 JO Nationals were in Florida and I was able to go with DD. It was a lot of fun. (I base meets on how well they're run- I hate sitting there for hours while they figure things out- and how nice the location is, that's the extent of my gym mom-ness!) I was bummed I missed joining DD to Nationals in 2005 in California. Nice warm places! 2003 Westerns were in St. Paul... nice place but... not a nice vacation spot.
I guess all our money went to traveling to gym meets so any we could turn into mini family vacations were best!