What kind of gymnast are you???!!

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I'm about to turn 21, and about to come out of retirement as a competetive gymnast. After three years of not competing, I'm going elite next year, and will hopefully be competing floor, vault, and rings.

For most of my life, I've done gymnastics more for recreation than anything else; I competed up to level 8 on all six events, and up to level 10 as a floor/vault specialist, and never really had elite aspirations or anything like that. I just did it for fun.

But now that I have the prospect of elite competition in front of me, I'm working my butt off to get ready, and still essentially doing it for fun -- and having a blast.
i am 14 years old, level 10, fave events are floor and beam, gonna work on front handspring front piked half or front full and a half on vault, getting back all of my stuff on bars (broke my elbow), back fulls and front handspring front tuck on beam, and double back pikes on floor.
my fave skills are front giants on bars and back layout stepouts on beam and front doubletwists on floor!!!
I'm ashley. I'm a level 9. I'm on a club team. I'd say my favorite event is beam but my best event is vault. I dont exactly have a favorite skill. I dislike skills that take forever to learn lol. Well who doesn't. I'm planning on getting a jager on bars. And revise my yerchanko vault. Eekk. lol
I just turned 20 and compete college club (NAIGC). It's a great opportunity for gymnasts who aren't quite good enough for NCAA or who don't want to make the time commitment. We use L9 rules with L10 bonus, so my routines are basically stock L9 things with a random D thrown in occasionally. My favorite events are bars and floor, and I should be a lot better at vault than I am. I don't really like running at and throwing myself over stationary objects.
Heh, just realized I never posted in this one. I guess you could say I'm a rec gymnast...at my girlfriend's club. I'm taking tumbling classes and maybe a guy's gymnastics class just to learn how to do some stuff. Since I'm kind of old (will be a senior in HS) i doubt I'll be good enough to compete before I'd graduate....oh well, but ya never know! Gymnastics and tumbling is awesome though, its even more fun than I thought it was going to be!!
Im 12 & 1/2 and working on going to lvl8.I tried last year but decided to go back to lvl7.I LOVE giants!And i like BHs except the 1st 1 it just makes me nervous.I suck at vault im working on fixing that. It's getting better now so thats good:).Im workin full &1/2s on floor thats the big 1 but also jonsons and round off popa(is that how you spell it) and FH front lay out and front to full.thats just floor. Bars pirrouettes(again is it spelt right) and cast to handstand.Vault tsuks.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Beam BH BH im really close (if i could just take out the arm swing)

now you know .I answered your question.:D:D:D
I'm seventeen and I used to be level six, but I quit a year ago. Right now I just take the tumbling class. I go to a private gym. I liked all the events, but I really sucked at beam. I couldn't do anything without wobbling and falling off (at one level five competition I fell off three times and wobbled on everything else so I got a 5.45, w00t!). My favorite event to do would probably be vault or floor, since I really like tumbling and running at stationary objects :). My favorite skills are any sort of backwards tumbling on floor, switch leaps, handstands, kips on bars, front handsprings and half-ons on vault, and side handstand dismounts on beam (you don't have to land on the beam! :) ). I'm deathly afraid of flyaways and giants on bars and anything that involves tumbling on high beam. I'm also afraid of tumbling into a foam pit. I cannot do a standing back tuck to save my life (I've been trying for three years :) ). Right now I'm working twisting on floor and standing back tucks.
I am 12 (almost 13 yay!) and I'm in level 7. My favorite events are bars and beam. Some of my favorite skills to do are toe hects on bars (they are very fun!) tsuks, double backs off a tumble track into a resi, and double flyaways into deep foam. I'm not really afraid of anything yet but I dread the day when my coach is going to make me try a tkatchev O.o
Hey I thought I would make a new thread so gymnasts what kind of gymnast are you?
How old are you, what level, private or YMCA or other, favorite skills, fears, whatever!

let's see... i'm 17 and a level 10. i started gymnastics when i was 3 at a private club outside Denver. moved when i was 5 though to a tiny, tiny town with no club gymnastics in the entire county and we had to drive 45 minutes through the mountains to get to the gym. when i was 9 i got to go to national camp for TOPS. when i was 11 i was level 10 and qualified for nationals but family problems kept me from going. aged out of TOPS obviously, but stayed competing at level 10. wanted to move to a gym in CO Springs, where the only elite program in the state is to do pre-elite stuff, but once again family probs (my mom didn't want to move and wasn't going to send me to live with another family)... i finished JO after middle school because my mom said she couldn't drive me to the gym anymore, with my little sis at another school and the hours that i had to go. then i did a year of hs gymnastics. our coach was awful so i started cheerleading instead. long story short, but while looking at cheer videos for college, a coach passed it on to his school's gymnastics program. so i'm back in training hopefully for college gymnastics, and maybe more level 10 stuff, now that i can drive myself to the gym ha ha.

i LOVE flor, vault is second favorite, then bars then beam. i really, really love tumbling. i'm not the most graceful person ever, but can have powerful passes. fav. E skill is definitely a full in-full out.

i just LOVE gymnastics!!
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I never saw this before so I'll post! I'm 16 and a Level 7 gymnast. I've been doing gymnastics since I was 12, so for four years. I did cheer for a year in Washington and was team captain and MVP. And then when I was 11 I moved to Texas with fam. Next year I started gymnastics and I've fallen in love since. :)
woops, wasn't done. :D I can't afford USAG so I do local and kick-butt and usually win by at least two to three full points. Sad, huh? I am an all-arounder, although I like floor the best, and beam is my worst. I'm good at it just not really good. I suck really...anyways that's about it. :)
i am 10. i am in aga differerent from usag,i love doing aerials on floor, my level is jr. elevel 10 is aga levels i want to get my backhandsprings on beam
I am 14 years old and a level 6. I go to New Bern Gymnastics.
My favorite skills are probably standing back tucks, front tucks, aerials, and cast handstands. I have MAJOR fears of back layouts with a full twist.
The skills i want to get are ALL OF them! I really want to be a college gymnast, and so i need to get a lot of skills FAST! haha...well, in 3 or 4 years...i am in the 8th grade
I'm around 13. I've been doing gymnastics for 1 year at a good-but-no-foam-pit! gym in NY. I'm scared of everything, especially back tumbling and back tucks! Lol XD One thing I've noticed though is after I've fallen on a skill, I'm not as scared of it. o_o
After I get my round off bhs I'll be level 4! :) I go twice a week, a total of 3.5 hours a week.

I'm really tall, like 5"6. So some skills are hard for me. I don't weigh a lot though, only 100lb. But I love to eat!

My best event is beam. I'm scared of it of course, but I can handle it (except for back walkovers! :(). My worst (but favorite) event is bars. I have bad upper body strength, so I fail... And I rip a lot... And I stink at flyaways... But it's fun!

I'm not on team but I really want to be. My goal is to be level 5 working level 6 by September 2009! And I want to be level 7 in 2010.

I like front handspring front tucks on the tumbl trak!

I really really want these skills:

GOOD front hip circle (I can do them, but they are UGLY)
Round off back handsprings! (I want this the most!)
I am almost 14, and I am a training novice{ is anyone else in the prep optional program???} I love all events but my favorite is beam. Everybody says I dance like Nastia Liukin....... Vault is my worst.
i'm 13 and a half! yupp i'm proud of the half. lol and i'm a prep-op intermediate gymnast for USAG. hmm let's see i love half-on full-offs on vault. they look so pretty. :) this is my first year on prep-op, i was always on compuseraries or wahtever before. but optional routines seem so much funner! okay well ta-ta for now! :p
oh oh oh i almost forgot! i'm a hyper girl and just a tad slow sometimes, ahaha

im 13 yrs old and im level 8 at a gym called black diamond. i think i have gone through some of the best coaches out there, i had a coach named jeremy who left our team to go to a better one, but he was great, now i have a coach named ron and he is the best coach anyone could ever hope for, too bad he is temporary, our other coach is ms charity, she rocks as a coach and she isnt just a coach to us, charity has been at our gym since the gym started. she is like a team member for us, if she ever left it would be devastating. BUT she's here to stay. anyways, i am working on giant giant flyaways and roundoff bh fulls and front handspring front pike front pike, and cartwheel step in fulls off the beam, i love everything about gymnastics, and i want to stay with it as long as i can.
I'm 13 a level 6. i go to a private gym in FL. My favorite event is floor i always get really good scores on floor. I like the BW on beam... although sometimes im scared of them hehe
i rlly dont know what i want to learn sooo yah!!!

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