I'm a drop and go parent. I usually come back to see about the last 10 mins. I have an excellent relationship with her coach, which I really appreciate, as we can talk freely with her about my daughter's issues relating to food and energy, and confidence and fear.
While I do try to recognise different skills, I have no idea really about the ones that my daughter is looking towards on bars, particularly. I know there is a difference between an endo and a stalder, (I think they go round the bar in opposite directions?) but I don't really understand. With time, I think I'll get there, but I'll always be behind the eight-ball and I'm sure that will frustrate my daughter.
I've realised that asking my daughter, "Did you get such and such a skill tonight?" puts more pressure on her, and she doesn't need that from me. So I just let her tell me. Or she sits there in the car on the way home and says, "You haven't asked me if I got any new skills tonight." And then I know I'm supposed to and allowed to ask.
I'm totally onto the whole injury thing. I'm at her to ice, rest, stretch, do her exercises. I figure I'm paying for this and I want her ready to train/compete. As her parent, it's my job to provide my daughter to the gym well fed, well rested, well loved and well cared for.