Here is the videos of her when she is 5 (some first attempts on skills she does now) paired with some more recent videos (age 6).
-Her back walkover you can see the second one she did and then you can see one from the other day. She did get a little bit of training for this over last summer, but nothing since.
-The dismount you can see from her first day trying to how she did it at her last competition. This skill she received training with since learning it herself.
-The back handspring you can see from the day she first tried one by herself and you can see how it looks now, after irregular privates she has received this year.
-Her shoot through still has received no gym training, not has her front walkover. That was her first attempt at a front walkover. She's seen other girls do them, and I thought I was going to record her back walkover but she said "can I try a front walkover first" and I was already recording. So, that might give a clear idea of how bad a skill looks when she tries it for the first time

-The straddle press has received no gym training, but the coaches have seen the videos and given tips on how she can improve (she sort of just "falls" down at the end). She hasn't worked on them in a long time and had to regain the skill recently. I'll see if I can get a video of it tomorrow, but I doubt it's improved.
(obviously most of these are 2nd attempts because I don't think to try recording something she hasn't done yet. I wait until I see her do it, then try recording the next one lol. I will TRY to remember to try to record her first attempt at something next time)
Tomorrow I will try to get...
Her back handspring on the floor.
Her round off back handspring on the trampoline.
Her level 3 beam dismount.
Cartwheel on the beam, handstand on beam, various jumps on the beam.
Am I missing anything? I don't see her getting the level 4 beam dismount without a spot just yet, but if by some miracle she does, I'll record that, too. (That is one she definitely did NOT get on her first try HAHA though I am surprised how well she does it with a spot!)
Of course, all her beam stuff is on a low beam and doesn't mean she will be able to do them on the high beam
(I hate sharing videos of 1st attempts/new skills/untrained skills because they look terrible and probably make her look LESS capable than she is, but hopefully these videos will be looked at for what they are)