Parents What would you do?

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Proud Parent
Jul 6, 2015
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So I know the usual consensus around these parts is "gym stays at the gym and vacation is for vacation" but I'm in a bit of a predicament. So my dad lives in Vegas and he wants us (me, my husband and my girls) to come out for Christmas. I definitely want to go. The issue is of course gymnastics. Meet season starts the first weekend in January (the 7th I think) and per her coach, DD isn't exactly ready, she'd need a spot on at least one skill in 3 of her events (at least as of now) coach says she'll still compete, she just wanted me to be aware that spots would incur deductions, which I'm totally fine with, I really just want her to get the experience. That being said, taking a full week of gym that close to meet season worries me a bit (gym doesn't close during Christmas, so she would be missing practice) Would you be looking for a gym in Vegas to go to for a couple days while away? If anything the conditioning would be good for her I think just so her flexibility and strength is kept up....I just don't want her coaches to take that as us/her not being dedicated to gym so close to meet season.
We haven't seen my dad in two years, and his health isn't the greatest. I really want to be able to go visit him but at the same time I don't want to hinder anything with her gymnastics. If I'm being a CGM let me know :)

Just looking for y'all to calm my fears a bit.

I don't think you're a CGM. You're a parent, a mother, and a daughter and you are in a perfect storm.

Go to Vegas, be with your Dad and your children's Grandfather. I would tell the gym under normal circumstances you probably wouldn't make the trip so close to competition season but this is all about being with your father who you haven't seen in two years, who wants you for Christmas and you really don't know how many more Christmas holidays there are to share. And offer to find a gym in the Vegas area to maintain conditioning, etc. if that is something they would like to see you do.

Good luck.

(PS...I note the parent/mother is somewhat redundant but I'm leaving it in!)
Go see your dad! Gym is just gym. Missing a week, even two is nothing, NOTHING in the long run. If you don't see your dad, you will regret it. If your DD asks to visit a gym just for fun and to condition, look into it.
I think if you can find some gyms that she could do an open gym or even a PL to make her more confident (if that is even an issue)
and maybe her coaches can make list of conditioning she can do while she is gone to help maintain her strength and flexibility .

I do think coaches understand that it is the holiday time and families take trips .
Thanks everyone! I'm going to talk to her coach tonight about it, I know they'll definitely recommend she do some training while we're there, and there are LOTS of gyms in the area so they'll probably have some suggestions. I'll ask DD what she thinks about it (I mean we'll just be sitting around at my dads house so there willl be plenty of down time).

We shall see!
One week is not going to make much difference, be it a month before or a week before a meet. Family first.

And unless the coach OKed it I wouldn't go to a different gym.

I would have her do her conditioning though.
If your child wants to go to other gyms, ask the coaches which gyms they could recommend. Then call and see if they have a "Good neighbor" policy. Some gyms do....some don't. Sometimes your coach will call and facilitate this for you also. But seeing as you will be sitting around and there is downtime, ask! Heck, your dad could come watch her practice, which would probably be really fun for him. I know my mom loved it when we went to a gym with our gym's blessing....she was very excited to watch for a little while. :) But of course you go see your dad.
For one week? I would ask the coach for a stretching and conditioning list and leave it at that. IF the meet was one of only a very few, and she was on the cusp of making it to states, or she asked repeatedly about it, I might look for an open gym or something. Also, isn't it considered negative for an unknown coach to be introduced so close to meet season? I would be worried that she would be thrown off by a correction or method that she isn't used to... Not worth it imo. Ask coach if there is something specific she can do at home to help with those last three skills, or have her walk through her routines (not doing big skills obvi). Maybe video her at practice one day so she can watch and do the dance portions?
I think you could most definitely get by with just a stretching and conditioning list, but if your coaches don't mind and if your dd would like to visit a gym while you are away I see no problem with it! DD visited a gym twice on vacation this summer (at her request) and she absolutely loved it. They welcomed her with open arms and sometimes a different point of view can really be helpful for a skill they are having trouble on. That was the case for dd, the coach at the gym we visited gave her a pointer on a bar skill she was having trouble with, and lo and behold when she was back home at her own gym the next week the skill was more consistent than ever before. She said visiting the gym was her favorite part of the whole vacation. That's a little strange considering all the fun things we did but she is just another gymnastics addicted kiddo! o_O;);):p
I think you could most definitely get by with just a stretching and conditioning list, but if your coaches don't mind and if your dd would like to visit a gym while you are away I see no problem with it! DD visited a gym twice on vacation this summer (at her request) and she absolutely loved it. They welcomed her with open arms and sometimes a different point of view can really be helpful for a skill they are having trouble on. That was the case for dd, the coach at the gym we visited gave her a pointer on a bar skill she was having trouble with, and lo and behold when she was back home at her own gym the next week the skill was more consistent than ever before. She said visiting the gym was her favorite part of the whole vacation. That's a little strange considering all the fun things we did but she is just another gymnastics addicted kiddo! o_O;);):p
We're going overseas for about 3 weeks next year and I am certain my daughter will go out of her skull if she is not doing something gymnastics related either conditioning or doing some training a day or two a week. It gets in their blood.
I'm sure you can get by with just stretching and conditioning for the week, but the one week that we visited another gym while we were away, DD loved it and has always wanted to go back. It was low key and a great experience with no expectations. If you have some down days and can plan it, she will probably really enjoy it.
One of my gymnasts traveled to Miami for her family vacation right before the meet season started and stayed there for 12 days missing her first meet. Her mom was apologizing a lot but I just asked them to enjoy the vacation, I mean you usually book flights for that kind of trips a year in advance... "If you have a chance to go to Miami then go to Miami" I said. Her mom was still worried so I told her that most of the gyms in the US have open gym nights and suggested them to find a gym where this gymnasts could run through her routines. Turned out that the gym that they contacted invited her to join their level 3 practice twice during her vacation. She was over the moon, the happiest kid on Earth. She didn't understand the language but that wasn't a problem :D When she came back the gym visit was the only thing she talked about. Haha, the other girls were so confused when she tried to explain a mill circle to them - we don't do those here :D A gym visit can be an awesome experience. Just make sure that her coaches agree with it.
My dd has gone to several gyms back when we could afford to go on vacation (LOL!). She always had a great time, met some nice kids and had the opportunity to work with a different coach. Win win win really. I always checked with her coach to make sure they felt the quality of training was ok, but visiting team gymnasts at practice is a very common thing. We have had many kids visit our gym in the past. My dd even keeps in touch with a girl who used to come for two weeks every summer when she was visiting her grandparents. Call me a CGM, I'll take it, but I don't think there is any reason not to see if you can find her a couple workouts while your gone, especially so close to season.

And the higher level they get, the more impactful a week off is. It does make a difference at a certain point. I know my dd feels it in her body after only a day or two out of the gym.
I am definitely going to ask our gym first, not only do I want their recommendations but I would fear she wouldn't have a spot on the team when we got back if I don't tell them :)
I am definitely going to ask our gym first, not only do I want their recommendations but I would fear she wouldn't have a spot on the team when we got back if I don't tell them :)
Yeah that wouldn't go over well here either. Honesty is the best policy.:D
Definitely go on vacation. If you think you will have a lot of down time and your kids will be a tad bored, open gym or a practice or 2 is a good idea. That could mean some adult alone time which is hard to come by with kids around. I would just ask your gym what they think when you tell them about the vacation. Surely you won't be the only one from your gym going away for Christmas.
She is a L3, correct? talk to the coaches. Let them know you need to visit family and go. Do not take her to another gym. Have her stretch and do simple conditioning wherever you are. If she were a L8+, maybe it would be worth it, so that she keeps her hands on the equipment (fears can develop fast when away from the equipment)

If you are in a gym where the coaches are allowing gymnasts to compete with spots, the gym likely is not "militarily" run. I would be surprised if they become upset by a holiday vacation to visit a grandparent, even in competition season.

And remember, this is 2 months from now. That's a long time to solidify skills. one week is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
She's a level 3? I would just tell the coach that we will be visiting my dad, who is in poor health, over Christmas and will be gone for X time and will see them when we get back, period. I wouldn't worry about seeking out other places to train for this short of time and at this level. We always took a vacation every year and, regardless of the level they were at, never set foot in another gym when we were away.....
I would just tell the coach a couple weeks ahead of time that she will be out on these particular dates because you will be traveling for the holidays. You will get a lot more pushback if you phrase it in the form of a question or convey uncertainty than if you present it as a done deal. Lots of people travel for the holidays. You won't be the first.

That said, make sure you know the gym's policy regarding missed practices close to a meet. My daughter's gym requires attendance at all practices the week before a meet. For the meet right after Christmas, parents were asked to notify the gym of planned absences well in advance so kids who would be missing meet week practices would not be registered for the meet.
If you are in a gym where the coaches are allowing gymnasts to compete with spots, the gym likely is not "militarily" run. I would be surprised if they become upset by a holiday vacation to visit a grandparent, even in competition season.

I was actually very surprised that they said they'd spot her on some skills as opposed to not letting her compete those events due to the fact that our gym is very "military run". Which is why I wasn't surprised when they told me they definitely want me to take her to another gym while we are away.

Our gym prides themselves on always scoring high in team scores so you'd think they'd only want the girls who have all their skills competing for them. But it sounds like they have a lot of faith in her, and when she does focus, she's hopefully they're just confident that when it comes to meet time they think she'll be ready.

DD is so excited about training at another gym and meeting new gym friends so I'm all for it if she's game.

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