In level 4 it's .3 "failure to take off both feet simultaneously" - not sure about level 3, I don't see the specific deduction listed, so maybe it's just leg separation (up to .2, if she kicks into the pullover I'd assume the full .2). Not completely sure, I don't judge or coach level 3, but since that specific deduction (failing to take off simultaneously) isn't in the text, then I'd assume just leg separation deduction (and other form, bent legs).
A "step, hop, or extra jump" is .1 each according the level 4 text - I'd assume the same in level 3. If she is kicking then she might also be stepping is my guess. So possible to get another deduction there.
They shouldn't lose the entire value of the skill for this issue. Probably the only scenario I can see that happening is if the child kicks up but doesn't get over the bar, and then just jumps up. If they start on the floor and spin backwards around the bar and end up on top, they did a pullover, just with various execution deductions.