Deleted member 18037
You are a wise woman.I used to be the meet director for a big meet in our original gym and there are many things, like Meet Director says, that go into the actual schedules.....I generally didn't schedule the younger compulsory kids during the day on Friday because the parents, as a rule, wouldn't let them miss school for a meet sooooo, they ended up with the 6 pm Friday session as it was "after school". I always looked at the SAT and ACT schedules when they came out and tried not to put any of the teenagers in the Saturday am first sessions if that was a test date. I did take into account the distance a gym was travelling and tried not to have those furthest away in the last session on Sunday. The only session time really written in stone were the Levels 9 and 10 .....they were Saturday night.
Other than the above, it was a numbers and a juggling game...not trying to make anyone's life miserable but scheduling a meet isn't as easy as people think, and it is usually a hard working volunteer doing it.