I am a bit perplexed lately. I see a lot of posts from angry/frustrated parents on CB complaining about everything imaginable that their gym does. What ever happened with going straight to the source? I can easily tell from most of these posts that the parent has not even though about approaching the coach, head coach or gym owner? And why? You pay good money for this, you are a customer and your concerns should be heard and dealt with. If you went to your favorite grocery store and all the sudden the food was moldy and the store was unclean and the cashiers were rude would you go on the internet and ask others what to do about the situation or would you talk with the person in charge of the store? I mean there is nothing wrong with venting or asking advice but please talk to your gym. I have been on all sides of it, a coach, a gymnast and a parent. From the coach perspective we want you to talk to us! I know we don't always seem approachable, a lot of coaches teach class after class and don't have time to chit chat in the hall but you can always ask for a time to talk. And I hated nothing more than teaching a class that I thought went terrific, going out and having every parent say thanks and good job with Sally today and then getting to hear from my boss, Sally's Mom pulled her because she said your class was unorganized. What? Really? Why didn't she ever talk to anybody? I do think gyms need to be more informative to parents but communication has to go both ways. You have to keep in mind that your child is special and you surely deserve to know anything you need to know about him/her and what’s going on but the gym may have 300 kids and owners worrying about putting on meets and coaches worrying about training for meets and things get lost in the mix. Use your voices and speak up, you just might be surprised at how much easier it makes the gym journey when you do!