I would be curious to know if you are seeing a benefit from it?
I have done the same in the past as well and what I always find is that the tracking shows me exactly what I see in practice everyday.
We do basic tracking for the benefit of the athletes from time to time now... but really it's just strength... our athletes seem to succeed and fail primarily based on strength. When the tracking shows us that they can no longer do basic strength and skill sets such as kip cast handstands... skills and routines suffer. Anytime they are in a peaked state... numbers of successful routines increase very easily. When they are in a state of weaker physical ability... numbers of hit routines decrease... but turns do not... they basically just increase turns of failure.
The problem is that kids don't grow at good times for season. Kids grow right in the middle of season and all of the sudden... bam... struggle at the exact wrong time. The charts helped me learn all this... but now they don't seem as necessary as we are picking up on this before the charts would even let us know.
Bottom line though... if I could make gymnastics more like the NFL as far as stats go... that would be great.