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  1. cbifoja

    WAG Toes splitting open?

    When my DD did gym in the past she seemed to constantly have a small split at the base of her 4th toe where it met her foot. When she was out of the sport for three years, she never had it. She’s been back in the gym for five weeks and she already has the split again. Does anyone else’s gymnast...
  2. cbifoja

    Parents DD returns to gym after 3 years off

    Thank you for the advice. We decided not to do a 5th day that was optional for just the reason you stated. I figured 4 days/20 hours was quite enough given how long she has been out.
  3. cbifoja

    Parents DD returns to gym after 3 years off

    Thanks everyone. It's nice to be back in the gym world. SO much more pleasant than cheer land. Cheer land was a scary place.
  4. cbifoja

    Parents DD returns to gym after 3 years off

    Hi everyone. Not sure if anyone will remember me but I used to be active on CB several years ago. In January 2017, my 12 year old decided to leave gymnastics. She was an L8 with lots of blocks. Lost her full, lost her double back on bars, couldn't connect beam series. She had a coach who...
  5. cbifoja

    WAG How many meets per year?

    5 plus state and regionals
  6. cbifoja

    WAG Weird Vault Question

    I have nothing to contribute to the actual meat of this question, but that video was COOL to watch so thanks for sharing!
  7. cbifoja

    Parents Not-On-Wall Medal Display?

    It is a beautiful piece. He put hours and hours of work into it and it is a cherished gift. It will be sad taking it down when she retires.
  8. cbifoja

    Parents Not-On-Wall Medal Display?

    How does he feel about hanging something from the ceiling? Too bad about the walls though. There are so many great ideas. My father gifted my daughter with a custom medal rack that is beautiful. It spans the entire wall and has dozens of pegs to hang medals and then shelving units for most...
  9. cbifoja

    Parents Buying things at Meets

    If we something special that she doesn't have, we might get something. We've picked up some pretty cute stuff over the years.
  10. cbifoja

    Parents Optionals gym hours? How long are yours?

    5 days a week for a total of 20 hours. They start with a one hour warm up/generation conditioning before going to 45 minute rotations. There can be strength training on events somedays. They end with about 30 minutes of conditioning/flexibility.
  11. cbifoja

    WAG Overshoot versus pak? (spelling!?)

    At DD's gym, the smaller girls learn paks and the taller girls learn bails.
  12. cbifoja

    WAG Sole Circle, does your gym use it?

    I asked DD because she uses hers as a squat on fall back and she said that she taught herself one after seeing a video on Instagram. She said other girls learned them in practice. She is using the techniques to work her toe on to hand and her toe shoot. It was easy for her learn and has had...
  13. cbifoja

    WAG gymnasts required to clean gym

    I am okay with "putting up mats" at the end of the practice. I am okay with extra cleaning if the girls leave an area messier than expected. I am okay with being asked to do an annual gym clean and given the option to participate or not (we always do). I am not okay with purchasing her own...
  14. cbifoja

    Parents not watching meets

    I can't imagine a situation where I would not at least attend my daughter's meets. Now, granted your DD is a L3 which means compulsory music over and over and over and over....until you want pop your own eardrum...but I find too much enjoyment in watching the other routines to willingly sit it...

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