WAG Overshoot versus pak? (spelling!?)

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Proud Parent
Aug 17, 2013
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I was just wondering about these two skills. It seems like DD's gym mostly pushes the overshoot and then they do the pak later on in 10. DD said that other gyms do the pak in 9 and some do a mix. Just curious why you would choose one over the other for a gymnast learning a high low release. To me (and mind you I don't know squat!) I think that the pak looks easier or less scary than the overshoot. Plus, don't you have to hit the handstand in the overshoot? That just seems harder to me! Anyway, just curious and hoping to get educated!
Dd is level nine and will compete a pak. Of the 12 or so level ninish kids in our gym, four of them do paks. 3 are smaller and have great technique across the board. The other one is very tall and lean. I was told awhile back that for smaller kids, kids that are technique style gymnasts and for long lean gymnasts, paks tend to be easier and for the bigger or more power gymnasts the bail seems to be easier.

I believe the general consensus in our gym from coaches and gymnasts is that the pak is much harder to learn and the bail is easier to learn(maybe not as easy to perfect) but scarier.

Dd has said that for the pak timing is everything. One wrong move and you land on your face. The bail in its beginning stages seems easier to huck over the bar if you have enough power. One girl on her team is a very powerful and great gymnast but isn't the strongest in timing and technique. She is able to hurl herself over the bar and it isn't pretty but it gets the job done and she is now just cleaning it up. Dd said no way she would have the timing to catch a pak.

Now, I think landing the bail in handstand is a whole different story. That looks so hard!

Dd is now starting to work on the bail as well. Coach wants her have as many skills available to her as possible, keeping all sorts of options open down the road. Each skill has benefits as far as connecting other skills and release moves. Like you can pak out of schaposch family skills and toe shoot out of a bail etc.

Not a coach or an expert, just what I have gleaned from talking with dd and her coach.
My gym uses the overshoot for level 9, and if a kid has a really good overshoot, the coaches will start to teach them a pak for lvl 10. I personally think a bail in easier to learn.
Dd has said that for the pak timing is everything. One wrong move and you land on your face.

Mine would say the same thing about the bail (especially out of a high bar pirouette). And we have the dental bills to show how directly the face takes it. Bar changes/releases = scary stuff. For gymnasts and parents alike.
Overshoot needs to hit handstand to be a D skill, but is a C skill if not to handstand. Pak is a D skill. I think some like the overshoot because you can learn it first not to handstand and then work on perfecting it to handstand. I have also heard there is more technique involved in learning the Pak, although I would think that the Overshoot to HS requires as much technique. My dd competed Overshoot in L9 and is now competing Pak.
Depends on the kid. Bails are quicker to learn, while Paks do take longer. But the small kids will have an easier time with the Pak salto when compared to the Bail.
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I was just wondering about these two skills. It seems like DD's gym mostly pushes the overshoot and then they do the pak later on in 10. DD said that other gyms do the pak in 9 and some do a mix. Just curious why you would choose one over the other for a gymnast learning a high low release. To me (and mind you I don't know squat!) I think that the pak looks easier or less scary than the overshoot. Plus, don't you have to hit the handstand in the overshoot? That just seems harder to me! Anyway, just curious and hoping to get educated!

they're both equally complex.
We have girls that really do better with the Pakistani vs the overshoot for lol 9...and they are all smaller girls.

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