Alex playing around with a new beam skill... Alex thought BHS BLO BLO was intense when she learned and competed it... this has definitely moved it up on the scale of YIKES........but I have to say if she got this skill it would be pretty darn impressive....stay tuned ;)
Hope everyone is...
So one of my requirements this year is a flight skill for beam. My round-offs are okay, but since I can't use it as part of my dismount, I tend to fall backward slightly. And for back handsprings, I would prefer not to do them. I can technically do them, but they are scary and so I've been...
Hi! My name is Leia, I am a level 9 gymnast and I have been having trouble on my beam series and I don't know what to do? I feel like I start over everyday when I get to beam and I don't feel confident... I competed a back handspring back handspring last year and my series is new this year (bhs...
So I have been a gymnast for many years now with different coaches and when it came to backwards tumbling I was always taught to do a roundoff backhandspring back tuck.
However my current coach suggested a few months ago that I take out the backhandspring and just do roundoff back tucks as I...
Hello everyone! I'm not quite sure if I have this in the right category, but I am a gymnast. The other week I was doing back handsprings on beam, and my wrist started to hurt. This actually happens a lot on beam for me so I just Iced and stretched and continued on. Well, fast forward to the next...
Some background: I'm a 30 year old adult trying gymnastics (I never did it as a kid) I've been taking 1-2 days a week classes for almost three years. I'm taking it nice and slow cause these old bones and joints can't handle too much.
I really want to get my ROBHS, but I always round-off pause...
Some girls on our level 5 team will be competing a back handspring on beam and some will do a back walkover. Do you get extra points for doing a Back handspring?
Please help! I have a very hard time doing backhandspring step outs. I jump pretty hard(although I am not the most powerful). I have been told that my legs bend at first (I guess to separate faster?). I can kind of feel it, but don't know how to fix it. No matter how hard I try to split my legs...
I have recently learned my round off back handspring, I can also do this as a series. However I am having difficulties with keeping my arms straight. My coach says it's because I need to push from my shoulders not arms/elbows, but I don't know how to do this! I find it especially hard on dead...
Which is easier on beam...landing on two feet or the step out? And is one considered "higher" difficulty for optional routines or the same? Just curious more than anything. It's interesting that the 2 feet appears easier for some kids while others find the step out easier.
Hey! I've been working on my back handspring on the trampoline forever! So I have no problem jumping back and landing on my hands, but I can never land on my feet. It's like I jump back, land on my hands swing my legs over and fall onto my knees or stomach. Sometimes I accidentally twist my...
DD had her bhs beautifully and is now going thru a major mental block which actually pulled her down a level for this season to L 6. She can do round off's on beam beautifully. Now that L 7 training is near (again for her) she is scared to death of this skill, won't even do it on low beam. Her...
Does a gymnast just lose points for a fall off the beam after a BWO-BHS series if one foot lands on the beam? or do they lose the points for a missing skill too?
I have had fear issues with backhandsprings when I was younger. I have recently just started doing gym again as an adult. I seem to be able to standing backhandspring fine, and I can round off backhandspring into the pit with level mats fine. But as soon as I take the mat away I pull out as I...
Just a question for other coaches or parents of gymnasts with fear issues.
I have a new level 3 (8 years old) with loads of potential. But suddenly she had developed a fear for her back-handspring: both standing and connected to a round-off. She was doing it all summer and early fall, and then...
Let me start by saying this is the only skill so far that Alex is really really is afraid of....but her coaches are persistent that she learn it. (Even though its only a .1 bonus--just saying...LOL)
For the last few weeks she has been doing it because her coaches told her she has to......but...
My dd, age 12, is having a huge mental block on BHS on high beam. It's ridiculous. So bad that the coach is thinking of having her compete 6 until this issue resolves. Her coach wants BHS on beam, states the judges don't like round off's instead of BHS. She has all her other level 7 skills, a...