Need some help getting hands on the beam for back handspring!
Can EASILY do back handspring on the floor AND back walkover on beam. When going to do the back handspring on the beam the hands consistently go to the side/do not land on the!!!
Hi, I’m new here :)
my daughter is 9 years old and is going to compete level 8 in spring. She is fairly good at beam, got a couple 9.5s as and 8 year old in level 7, competed a Bhs bhs series last year...but she gets very nervous for this event! For fun, she asked me what is the shortest...
Would love any advice you have to help my girl square her BHS on beam!! She's been working in consistently over 2 years and can land it... scored 8's or low 9's on beam last year Level 7. But she consistently turns her fingers on the beam the same direction which turns her shoulders and upper...
Hi all, just wondered if you could help me with a couple of questions as I don't want to become 'that parent' and keep asking the coach! I am in the UK if that's relevant.
1. The routine requirement includes a bwo bhs connection. If my daughter feels a little off balance during/after the bwo...
I know L6 beam requires flight or a series. Can the series include the dismount? In other words, would a BWO-BT dismount fulfill the requirement? If not, would HS-BWO count as a series?
We have a folding floor beam. It can wobble on the floor and I know you can get some thing to steady it but cant remember what they are called does anyone know or have Any advice?
My dd is training level 9. Wondering if what’s she’s working towards will give her high enough starting values. She’s not 100 percent certain what her routines will be but this is what she’s working on.
Bars- kip on low bar, squat on jump to high bar, Kip cast handstand, pirouette, overshoot...
Quick question, mostly out of curiosity. My DD is being coached to change her hand placement on her beam BHS-step out. She is a lefty in gymnastics (in all gymnastics skills she favors her left side -- tumbling, splits, leaps, etc. -- although she is a "righty" when it comes to everything else...
I’ve been practicing my lay out step out on the beam for a while but I find they are often inconsistant and can sometimes be heavy. I try going up onto a pano sometimes but what can I do to help improve these and bring them up to the high beam? I’ve been in this boat for a while and I need to...
Is it technically wrong (and presumably a deduction) to have bent arms on a BHS on beam? Just wondering because some of DD's teammates bend their arms and I worry that they're going to smack their faces onto the beam one of these days... Wanted input from more knowledgeable people! Thanks.
Trying to figure out Acro + flight beam series.
Tic tok + bhs
Handstand + bhs
Back walkover + bhs
Cartwheel + roundoff
Any others? We have some older girls who can only roundoff, want to get some other ideas other people are doing.
Thank you
Good morning!
Please excuse my "newbieness". I know very little about gymnastics. I have scouted the internet, YouTube, this site and the rule book and cannot locate a conclusive answer to my question. I'm hoping someone can help.
My daughter is in USAIGC gymnastics. She is competing at a...
DD has recently been struggling with front tuck beam dismount and I am wondering if there are other non-salto Platinum level beam dismount options we could substitute, if needed, for State next weekend? Worst time ever for a mental block on a skill she has been doing for years....
My dd is preparing to score out of Level 5 (our gym doesn't compete 5) She is currently having a bit of a mental block on her BWO on beam. It's a skill that she has done in the past but has sporadically caused some fear. She used to have a very flexible back so it has always looked good. But...
My DD has been playing with various beam connections lately. So I tried to look up what they would be worth and I'm stumped - I'm not a gymnast or a coach obviously! So does anyone want to help me out using the FIG CoP.
Free front walkover linked to a sheep jump
I get this as D +C so possibly...
So, I struggle with sweaty feet on beam, which for some reason has recently got a lot worse. I compete a fronthandspring connection, and if I haven’t chalked up the beam/ my feet, then my foot slips off, and I end up falling on my butt on the beam.
So basically what I’m asking is: are you...
So I competed my back handspring on beam all season last year. I had the prettiest back handspring on my team, and I even liked doing them. But one day, I suddenly got a mental block. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but now I have had the mental block for 10 months. I can’t even do it on the...
I am working to revamp my beam workouts and am curious to hear what other coaches find works best.
Previously, I did a beam complex with all the usual stuff (releves, walks, kicks) with a big focus on posture and just being on the beam and getting comfortable. Then it moved into bigger skills...
I have a competition in 5 practices and I just got my roundoff on high beam (its still kinda bad). I feel slightly pressured (not sure by whom) to compete a cartwheel roundoff series at the meet but I am still afraid of the roundoff alone on high beam. Any advice?