Does anyone know if it’s a deduction to have 3 of the same skill (back handspring step out) in a level 9 beam routine? The example would be 2 in the series flic-lay-flic, and 1 in the dismount, flic-flic snap full. Sorry to post this in the general forum, it looks like they’re still working hard...
Is there a judge who can look at a level 8 beam routine for me? Haha, I am a judge and still can’t figure out how a routine got the start value it did!
Dd is having a hard time with her BWO BHS connection. She can do it on the low beam but stops and swings her arms on the high beam. It’s been several months with no progress. Any tips?
Current skill value of beam dismounts: (think they have been changed in last few years). All off from end of beam:
Gainer tuck
Gainer pike
Gainer layout
Gainer full
Hi all
Just curious...when would you consider beam skills are 'mastered' or ready to compete? What percentage of them would be stuck? (Roughly?) We see even the gymnasts on TV fall off sometimes so presumably not 100%, but just wondering where people would put that 'ready' line? (Obviously...
This is my first post- my daughter is a level 6 and her hands are slipping frequently when she does her bhs on beam. She has the correct hand position and fear is not much of a factor but her hands keep slipping which is keeping her from doing the skill. Any suggestions on how to fix this...
Hello, I have a gymnast having challenges with consistent hand placement on her BHS on beam. I have seen videos of other gymnasts using a red “band” around their wrists while training this skill + BHS BHS series. Hoping someone can point me to what those bands are + some opinions from those...
This wasn't relevant to my other question so I asked a new one. :-)
What is the deduction in a level 2 beam routine for accidentally doing the level 3 dismount? She definitely hit vertical LOL but "got stuck" in that side handstand and couldnt come down like she should for the level 2 dismount...
What is the deduction for going over on the L4 beam handstand? Is it 0.5 for the fall plus 0.6 for the value of the skill since the gymnast's feet never touched the beam on the way down? Can there be an additional deduction for failing to hold the handstand for 1 second before going over, or...
Hi all...I have a question regarding deductions for level 4 beam. My daughter has had four meets and her scores have been consistently around 9.0. She looks pretty good, but of course, I'm no judge. For those who are judges, can you tell me if she's getting some major deductions for her mixed...
My daughter had a meet this past weekend and fell on her cartwheel and forgot an element (she calls it the grapevine although I'm not sure that's the technical term). Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for what deductions she received for that. I know .5 for the fall...
My dd’s coach has upgraded her routine, and as a result, she now has two back tucks in her routine. Her series is a fwo-bt and she also has a regular back tuck in the routine.
I told her I don’t think two back tucks are allowed in level 8. Am I mistaken?
This is what my Daughter is doing for her beam ( just asking about the acro and dismount deductions she has all the other elements).
What will be her deductions for the following :
Cartwheel roundoff series
Standing back tuck
Cartwheel gainer dismount
Thank you for your input
Take care
So my daughters coach is having her do a backwalkover for level 6 beam. I feel like from reading here that this is no longer allowed (?). I've brought it up multiple times and she says there is no deduction for doing the back walkover. They did change the vault so I feel like.they know about...
How do you cover the legs? Just a low beam with no actual raised legs, I’m talking about the metal support “feet” that sit on the ground. Custom made ones are crazy expensive like the price of the beam. Did anyone DIY? Thank you.
I have a daughter who is a competitive gymnast and in the gym 20 hours/week. All the chalk on bars is drying out her feet, making them crack, bleed, and painful. I asked her coach if she could wear traction socks at practice while on bars and he said she needed beam shoes since socks...