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  1. ivyagogo

    Coaches Class Structure

    Our gym is solely rec. Most of our classes are one hour with the more advanced classes having an extra 15 minutes. We would like to start adding in more drills and conditioning as our kids advance. Right now, we warm up usually with vault or some trampoline, then we stretch and we move...
  2. B

    any problem with sisters in the same class??

    My girls aren't that far apart in age. I love the class and coach that the elder one has, and was hoping her little sister will be invited into that class maybe after her birthday (she's still in kindy gym but big sister's invitation-only class in theory allows entry from age 4). No offer has...
  3. Z

    Which Class?

    Hi All, My little ZZ is 4 1/2 and I'm in the process of signing her up for gymnastics. She has tried classes a couple of other times but just didn't seem ready emotionally to go with the class, etc. She has continued to ask for gymnastics so today I tried her out at a couple of different...
  4. B

    3-5 Yr old Preschool class skills

    Hey everyone, At my gym preschool gymnastics is very popular and our parents expect a lot from us. I'm just looking for help/tips/pointers for this part of our program. What skills are mandatory for you to coach pre-schoolers at your gym? What are some games that we could use in our lesson...
  5. G

    Parents disciplining during class mainly in Pre-K and kinder classes

    First, I'm not sure if this is the right spot for this question, but I'd like to get parents and coaches opinions. I have a set of twins in one of my Pre-K classes who sometimes argue/ antagonize etc. each other. To me, this is just normal behavior for siblings and I am not overly concerned...
  6. M

    Tumbling Class ?

    I am considering enrolling my daughter Katie (who will be 7 in June) in a tumbling class at her gym. She just got her back bend kickover this past Sunday (she's so excited) so I think she's ready. I asked what classes were available at our gym they have a beginner and advanced. I am thinking...
  7. S

    Parents Trampoline and Tumbling Class

    Last night my 4 year old went to her first trampoline and tumbling class. There is a really good T&T place 3 minutes from our house! Yeah! The team and my dd were the only ones in the gym at the time. Needless to say she was the only one that had signed up for her class I guess because of the...
  8. S

    Parents DD Realizing Other Kids Can't Do Same Skills And Not Trying Last Class

    I guess my dd is getting wiser. She performs to the highest level of the older girls in her classes. In one class, there is an older girl just above my dd's level. My dd copies all the things that the older girl is doing in this class ie, multiple standing back handsprings, round off 2...
  9. B

    Class Names

    Does your gym have fun class names? More than just beginner, intermediate, advanced. I've heard Twinkling Stars, Rising Stars, Shooting Stars, Super Stars. But I bet a lot of places have that. I'm trying to think of something creative for when I buy my gym. These will be for the team track-...
  10. S

    New to our 3/4 level Preschool Class

    If you have read my post Holding Kids Back Intentionally, this will be easier to understand. This was my 4 year olds first day working out with the fives and 6 year olds that are now competing level 3 but getting ready to try out for our level 4 team in March. She fit in just fine and had a...
  11. floorlover14

    Class I help in

    Hi Everyone! I help my coach with a preschool class once a week and I am usually in charge of beam. Lately I feel like the kids are getting a little bored with what we are working on. We have been doing forward walks, sideways walks, backwards walks, bear walks, arabesques, knee scales, and...
  12. MdGymMom01

    Off Topic Dani's Ballet performance when she took ballet class this past year...

    Dani had her dance studio recital back in June and I am now getting around to putting the video together. I taped it off of my computer screen because I couldn't figure out another way to upload from the CD that I purchased of the show. So, if you see the computer screen in the shot, that is why...
  13. F

    Trial Class?

    I'm going to a trial class next Monday. I'm 14 and I can do basic things like forward, backward, and straddle rolls, 1 handed cartwheels and bridges/backbends. What should I expect?
  14. L

    Help me name this class!

    I need a name for a conditioning + flexibility + gymnastics related dance class please! I've wanted this forever, wrote up a whole program of what I'd like to do and what it sets out to accomplish. Down to class ratios, impact on the gym while rec is going on concurrently, how to market it and...
  15. F

    Beginers class?

    SO I'm talking a class for high-schoolers just starting gymnastics. Any tips or advice? Thanks
  16. aerialriver

    Where do you draw the line? Class size limits.

    I am having a big problem here. And please note before you reply I cannot change gyms. I am an adult and this gym is the only one that offers an adult class it is only 1 hour a week one night a week and they refuse to open another class at this point. The next closest gym that offers adult...
  17. S

    Free Trial Class???

    Hey everyone- I was wondering if it was the norm for a gym to offer a free trial class. At one of the gyms near me, it is, and I thought it was the same for nearly all gyms. So today I too my cousins in and it wasn't a free class anymore, as I was told only a week ago. Yeah, it's...
  18. Gymmonkeymomma

    Parents Shocker - I took a gymnastics class!!

    LOL - I was the kid who always faked cramps in high school so I didn't have to do gymnastics. The only thing I could do was a forward roll as far as tumbling. Tonight, my friend talked me into take an adult class - it was taught by my DD's coach. I was in remedial group, LMAO.... I learned how...
  19. L

    Parents Summer Strength and Flexibility class

    This is my first time ever attempting to post a poll, so forgive me if I screw it up! I have a lot of coordinated kids in rec who want a specific skill, but are held back by flexibility or strength issues. Common examples are back walkovers, pullovers, and backbends. The structure of a 1...
  20. momofthreegirls

    Parents I need help choosing a class for my daughter.

    I have a 5 year old daughter, who is currently in preschool. She will enter Kindergarten in the Fall. She is in her third year of gymnastics. We did a "Mommy and Me" class when she was 2-3, then she took a "Tiny Tumbler" class at age 3-4. This year (age 4-5) she is in a developmental team...