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  1. kitkat

    Parents Question about US Competition levels and ages

    Our club will be attending a competition in the US. I have looked at some of the results and I am confused on how they break up the groups. In Canada they are level and age. Sometimes the age is a couple of years together. Is it the same in the US? The ones I looked at said junior or senior...
  2. N

    Coaches Competition beam warm up

    Hi everyone, I'm just coming back to the coaching world after being out for four years...can anyone give me a recap on the competitive beam warm ups? Capital cup etc? And is there a standard one that is being used these days, specifically for xcel? Thanks!
  3. V

    WAG L8 - 'Up to Competition Level'

    Now that competition season has started for many gymnasts, I'm wondering what everyone is seeing as the standard for L8 and above for the 'up to competition level' requirement. I'm curious if the optional C skills seem to be in play or what the general standards are to meet this requirement (it...
  4. G

    Parents Level 8 competition

    Hi there....I heard recently that there was a recent switch to include Level 8 in a National competition beyond the Regional Meets? I thought L8 went to Regionals and that was it but have heard that changed this year? Is there any truth to this? I thought maybe it was since the Level switches...
  5. All Chalked Up

    WAG Competition nerves... desperate

    I have terrible competition nerves. Not just the normal ones either. I throw up/get sick before the meet, sweat much more than normal, get very hot/run a fever, become very dizzy (I even fainted before my first meet), am shaky, trouble breathing and sometimes teary when normally I hardly ever...
  6. T

    Parents DD had first in-house competition! (and question)

    My DD started gymnastics this past summer, and got invited to pre-team in fall. This weekend her gym had an in-house meet. She didn't place, but everyone received a trophy and she was so excited. It gave us a good taste of what competing would be like (especially with bringing siblings...
  7. gymgurl

    WAG Just competed my last competition ever

    So, this weekend just passed I competed in my final state championships at level 7. It didn't quite hit me how final this was until i was putting on my comp leotard realising this was probably the last time I would ever put that leotard on, the last time i would walk out onto the floor and...
  8. G

    Parents Preparing new level 9 for tough competition

    My daughter turned 11 in September and has her first level 9 meet on Dec 1st. She had a rough level 8 season last year (highest AA was in the 34s) and her confidence was shaken since she didn't get many medals . I really thought she would repeat level 8 but she had a great summer and here we are...
  9. L

    Parents Do you "break in" a competition leo?

    We got the leotards for DD's competition (so cute!) and the material is pretty stiff (well, not stiff exactly but tight.) Are we supposed to break it in before competitions? Thanks!
  10. htimcj

    T&T Schedule of competition for Worlds

    Does anyone know where I can find a schedule of competition for tumbling at World's? All I know is that it is tomorrow. I would love to keep up with it if possible.
  11. K

    MAG Solid Black Socks for Competition

    Everyone, A silly request, but does anyone know where to buy boys black socks? We want socks without any writing, and just above the ankle - any ideas for a place to buy online?
  12. 2G1B

    WAG "warming up" DURING a competition?

    We were at a competition a few weekends ago and something strange happened. I'm wondering if this is normal and I just haven't seen it before, or if it is truly as odd as I (and some other parents around me) though. We were on the 3rd rotation. It was a traditional schedule meet - warm up...
  13. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Competition order

    How do you determine your event comp. order? I know some gyms keep it the same at every event at every meet. Some will stagger their better competitors with their weaker ones... What do you do?
  14. B

    WAG Competition leotard colors

    Trying to order new competition leotards but can't decide on a color! Team colors are garnet and gold, so we are thinking either garnet leotard or plain black leotard. Debates have been that black will hide sweat and look better on everyone but the garnet will be more flashy. Any thoughts?!
  15. E

    Parents Competition Hair

    My Oldest dd's first competition is just over a week away and I have begun to think about how she will have her hair for this, I am going to ask dd's coach if there is a set style she has to have and then go from there, don't worry this in not a thread asking about styles (there is a few of...
  16. JAO

    WAG Celebrating the End of a Competition Season

    Just sharing a video from my Girls' Team end of the year celebration we had at the beginning of the summer:
  17. OwlGalLiz

    MAG Intro to competition

    So DS is hooked, and we know this is where he is supposed to be. Our gym attended a fun competition this weekend (leg lifts hanging from the wall, pullovers, mushroom, step up on block, hold a handstand, still rings hold position, vertical leap and rope climb). It was a great experience and...
  18. Faith

    UK Competition weekend..

    So who's competing this weekend? I think we have IwannabeMargo at the Alpha factor..Results here; Link Removed Flossy is it this weekend for your DD's voluntaries? And we have the school games too with some names to watch out for; Louise Mcolgan, Teal Grindle, Catherine Lyons, Georgia-Mae...
  19. J

    Parents new routines competition soon not being taught..

    I'm just wondering where everyone is on the new routines. I have a DD doing level 3 and another DD doing 4 and neither one has been taught their routines yet. Our competition season starts mid October. I'm starting to get a little freaked out. School is starting in a couple of weeks and they...
  20. gymmama43

    Parents Need advice on competition hair for short hair

    I have a little one who has always had issues growing hair. She recently turned six and still had very short, THIN, wispy hair that barely reached the nape of her neck. She would often leave gymnastics crying because she so desperately wants a ponytail and all of the other girls have one...