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  1. E

    Parents Confused about dance ... some of this is due to gymnastics ...

    DD's age 6's first love is gymnastics. She works out with her level 2 team T Th, 6 hours total. They also get pulled in some Saturdays. She also loves dance. She is precocious at neither, but puts in the man hours, KWIM? This year she asked to dance at a studio instead of a rec center...
  2. Swiftli

    Parents Doing the happy dance..

    So I just got a call from the folks at Woodward. They were giving away a free week of camp through their booth at the COTC meet this past weekend...and my DD was the lucky winner! I am so excited. She had been wanting to go for a few years now but I knew that is just was not in our budget at...
  3. J

    Vault Shoes? Dance Paws?

    My daughter injured the ball of her foot. it bothers her only on vault. I thought maybe a little extra padding would help? Having a hard time finding anything . . any suggestions? THANKS
  4. Juju's Mom

    Parents Doing the happy dance...

    I posted last week that DD got her kip and we were very excited. Yesterday at practice she worked the first half of the L5 bar routine and I heard she was looking really good. I figured it would take a bit for her to get the 2nd half... Well, today she was working on her own while her coach...
  5. S

    dance lessons?

    Does your gym require or offer dance lessons for the gymnasts? Ours has tossed the idea around, mostly due to some parental requests, mine included, but have not yet set up anything.
  6. M

    Off Topic A message board all about dance?!?

    Hey everyone! :) I have had some time on my hands this past weekend and played around on a forum. I had this idea to get one up that is supposed to be all about dance as there are so many people who love dance out there. I think it could become a really nice and fun place. The forum should...
  7. S

    Parents Girl's Dance Recital

    So the girls finally had their first dance recital this past weekend. They both had tons of fun. They've only been dancing for 4 months but they both did great!! They especially enjoyed their costumes. Liv says she wants to be a Rock Star after gymnastics....:eek: lol I posted a video of...
  8. G

    Level 8 Beam - Dance Series

    My DD was doing Split Jump(180) / Wolf Jump for her Level 8 beam dance series and just recently the coached changed it to - Straight Jump / Split Jump(180). I am not an expert but is a Straight Jump at Level 8 okay. It seems kind of simple. Is it even in the code of points? Does it fill the...
  9. T

    Programming suggestions for off-ice hockey and competitive dance prep

    Hi everyone This summer our gym is planning to offer new recraetional class targeting hockey players (can you tell it's Canada LOL) and competitve team dancers. We are currently developping our curriciculum and I wondered if anybody out there has done something similar and has some suggestions...
  10. E

    dance in compulsery routines

    Hello! I wanted to make an interesting note. I didn't always love the grace, and dancey stuff in the routines, a lot of times I thought it was boring, but it has grown on me now. I was thinking about the dance in the compulsery routines, and wondering how much dance stuff they will put in the...
  11. coveredinchalk

    Parents dance belt

    I posted this in the general questions forum but thought I'd try my fellow parents. Coach wants DD to wear a dance posture belt at home. Does anyone know what these are really called and where I can find one small enough for a tiny 6 year old? When I googled "dance belt" it gave me a male thong...
  12. G

    Level 7 Floor Dance Series Connection?

    Hallo! DD has been working her L7 floor routine for awhile, and has hit a snag...she can't seem to score above 9.2 due to lack of 180 degree split in her dance series connection (split leap to jump)...sometimes she gets partial points off, other meets she loses the entire element. She DOES have...
  13. S

    Parents Importance of dance

    I'm just wondering - and I didn't really know which forum would be appropriate for this - so I'm posting it here. Is dance a highly recommended addition to gymnastics training? Is it totally necessary? At dd's gym, there is no dance program. There is a local studio, but they are quietly...
  14. M

    Parents I get to chaperone a middle school dance!

    Yes, I'm that crazy! I thought it'd be fun to be a 'fly-on-the-wall' at one of my dd's school dances (she's in 7th grade), so I volunteered. She goes to a pretty tame private school, and last year the dance she went to was mellow (according to her). I am hopeful that I won't have to do much...
  15. A

    Coaches Dance Series L7

    Dance series with a min. of 2 elements, one a leap (one foot takeoff) requiring 180° cross or side split My daughter is doing a straddle leap and then goes to the floor, similar to the level 6, and then does some other dance moves. Does that fullfill the above requirement?
  16. L

    Coaches Which bit of beam dance is nicer?! :S

    I cant decide!!! 1. YouTube - Michelle Purves-lasswade gymnastics club-dance on beam OR 2. YouTube - Michelle Purves-lasswade gymnastics club-arabesque