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  1. Chalkygripsbloodyrips

    WAG New USAG Dr.—or not?

    Anybody know what this is about?
  2. bogwoppit

    WAG Dr Sands article - What is wrong with WAG in the US

    I read this on my favourite gymblog, www.gymnasticscoaching.com, that is run by Coach Rick McCharles. It is a great piece, by a respected man, also a great discussion piece. I have to post it in chunks to fit our posting guidelines. Personal Reflections William A Sands, PhD, FACSM In spite...
  3. GymDad9.9

    WAG Federal Child Pornography Charges Filed Against Dr. Nassar

    Just saw it being reported on ESPN mobile app.
  4. kimute

    Parents Dr. recommendations SF Bay Area?

    Does anyone know orthopedic or hand/wrist specialists in the SF Bay Area who might be good for a gymnast? I'm looking for my 10 year old L. 7 DD. Thanks!
  5. kayjaybe

    WAG Anyone use any of the Dr. Ali materials?

    Dd, age 12, has been struggling with fear issues. She is trying to get to L7 (competed old L5 2 years ago, old L6 a year ago, and new L5 this past year, mostly due to fear of giant and BWO-BHS beam combo, which is required at our gym to go to L7.) She is still having fear on these 2 skills...
  6. GymBee97

    Off Topic Way Off Topic - Dr Who

    To day is the day for the 50th anniversary show!! Yes I am a Whovian and Love this show. Any other di hard fans out there that will be watching today!!
  7. T

    Parents Back pain and Dr almost out of ideas

    Dd is almost 12 training l8 and after finishing a good l7 year. 2 years ago was diagnosed with Spondylolysis took 8 weeks off and went on to compete again for 2 more years. About 2 months ago she came to me when she first felt some low back pain, She said it was different but erroring on...
  8. All Chalked Up

    Coaches What to do when the parents won't take a kid to the DR

    I coach a kid w/ a lot of upper/mid back pain. I & the rest of the coaches at the gym 100% believe the kid needs to get it checked out. The kid is in a lot of pain. Her parents will not take her to see the DR. Cost is not an issue; healthcare is free in Canada + my parents are very close...
  9. bogwoppit

    The Issue of Ethics - article by Dr's J & S Massimo

    Excerpt from Psychology and Gymnastics by Drs. Joe and Sue Massimo ]In today’s climate of politically correct responses, it is clear that ethics is a concept that is well known and discussed in considerable detail. Many professions have a strict and fairly well monitored code of ethics...
  10. C

    Back from the DR and good news

    Well if you remember 3 months ago my DD had severly low Iron and was dehydrated. After 3 months of iron treatments and a new drinking schedule along with a multi vitimine with iron added, She received a clean bill of health today. Iron is finally up to normal, the drinking schedule is working...
  11. MdGymMom01

    DR. Phil - The Pressure for Perfection

    Here's an interesting Dr. Phil show that I came across on Youtube. It talks about overbearing sports parents and the pressure that kids are put under to win and be the best. PART 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFgnZh3sXNo PART 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EJD01VP5uo&feature=related...
  12. nicci1999

    Dr appointment

    Keep your first gets crossed for me.guys! I have my six month follow up from my ACL and meniscul repair surgery. I'm hoping he gives me the all clear
  13. A

    Related to - Curiosity - No Dr. am I

    I am not claiming to be a medical professional at all but I saw this in the coaches forum and wanted to comment about stress fractures. One of the level 8 gymnasts has been out with stress fractures for several months. Her physician took her off Accutane (for acne) and her fractures healed. Not...
  14. E

    Coaches Curiosity - No Dr. am I

    I wanted to know if any other coaches out there are seeing an increase in children, in any sport really, being diagnosed with stress fractures to the growth plate(s), any joint? It seems that in our community this is the easy answer to non obvious nagger aches and pains in our children...
  15. mpkbt

    Dr Gerald Geroge

    Has anybody had any experience with Dr Gerald George? He was at our gym yesterday and he did amazing work with the girls. He really encourged my daughter and helped her with her vault. I asked what he was able to say that her coaches hadn't and she said he really broke it down and explained the...
  16. M

    Dr Ali is coming to our gym!

    I am so excited to hear her speak. It should be awesome. She will spend 2 days with the teams and each night meet with the parents. Has anyone else seen her? Not really sure what to expect but it has to be good with everything I hear about her.
  17. Granny Smith

    Parents Dd's Dr's Appt (broken foot saga)

    I haven't had much to say lately, I do respond to some posts here and there. On Monday we went back to the Dr's for a follow up appt. For those that don't remember, dd broke her foot back on Jan. 19th - turns out she has a Jones' Fracture of the 5th metatarsal. Basically she broke the bone...
  18. D

    I'm Dr.Coach, Psy.D - and it's my first day!

    hi all, new member here. I just found this site - i think it's great! lot's of info! I'm Dr.Coach, Psy.D I coach gymnastics on a very limited basis (2 or 3 hours a week). Though i have all of the certifications, I volunteer my time in the gym. I love spending time with the kids and...
  19. S

    Parents Got the "All Clear" from the Dr. re DD's elbow

    that she broke falling off the beam, a year ago March. She broke the bottom piece of her humerous off (on the inside) and fractured her growth plate, requiring surgery to pin the displaced piece back to the rest of her elbow! They also had to re-situate her ulnar nerve, so now her funny bone...