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  1. Ariana's_Mommy

    Parents Making own gymnastic equipment...

    So, in our house little Miss. Ariana has a birthday Dec 17th and the following week is Christmas! Can you guess what she wants?? Why yes, a beam, junior bar, rings, mats, oh my the list!! So, I have been looking into prices and oh my are they high!! My husband is a great carpenter and mentioned...
  2. B

    Gym equipment at home

    What kind of gym equipment does everyone have at home?? I got a low beam for my birthday this year and I've been trying to beg my parents for a pull-up bar for my room.
  3. aussiebug

    Parents Homemade mini gymnastic equipment

    For Monster High and Barbie dolls ;) DD is constantly using her bed as a beam and Barbie wardrobe- with little rod as bars, the kid lives gymnastics, and so do these dolls, she even puts them in their bathers, which look just like leos!! It's her birthday on the 2nd and I would love to be able...
  4. gymlover

    WAG Equipment #'s

    What is a good number of each event(ie bars, beams, floors, vaults, single bars, tramps, cheese pits, mats, and tumble stips, and tumble tracks) at your gym? What is a good number of each
  5. N

    Coaches Equipment questions for coaches

    I have a few questions regarding coaching and equipment for a mid to upper level optional Level gymnast: Please answer these questions assuming that I understand that it is less than ideal, but that there are no "ideal" choices available at this time. 1. Is a foam floor with an additional...
  6. amblan01

    Off Topic 14th birthday: clothes or gymnastics equipment?

    Should I get a mat, beam, and spring board for my birthday? I really need the mat and beam at least. (craigslist not new!) Or should I ask for money because I really want love pink yoga crop leggings, UA sweatshirt, perfumes, shirts, tanks, Nike shorts, Nike sports bras, Nike compression...
  7. L

    Coaches Equipment and question

    My husband and I are opening a new gym and we're in the process of buying equipment right now. Does anyone know anything about NRA gym supply? They have a lot of used and demo equipment and their prices seem good.
  8. PalmTree

    Coaches Best Equipment in Your Gym!

    What is your favorite/best/most useful equipment/mats/etc that you have in your gym? Our gym has the ability to buy some new equipment or training devices and I wondered what has been most useful to you in training. Thanks!
  9. F

    Coaches Equipment Needs For L9-10

    I'm trying to find out if a gym needs special equipment to train high level 9-10 gymnasts. Is a pit with loose foam required for advanced bar and beam work? Or can a gym get away with not having that equipment. I'm concerned about safety and how a lack of proper equipment can impact progression...
  10. A

    Coaches Used Equipment?

    Where is your "go-to" place to find used equipment? We have a few things on our "Wish list" and I'm sure that our gym owners would prefer to purchase gently used equipment over brand new. Any suggestions?
  11. S

    Parents How do your gym finance new equipment purchases?

    Our gym in looking into buying a new competition worthy spring floor for the higher level girls(we already have 2, I assume we are replacing on) and redoing the ancient foam pit. We are getting ready to start a large scale fundraising project. How does your gym finance these type of projects? Is...
  12. gymnasticky

    Home Equipment

    Do you think it's safe to have equipment at home, and if so what equipment do you think is safe to have (beams, bars, trampolines)? And do you know anywhere that sells safe equipment on the less expensive side? Thank you!!
  13. G

    looking for good quality for used gymnastics equipment

    Hi Everyone, I am realizing a long time dream and opening my own gym! I am also realizing how expensive equipment is, and how little credit its available for a start up company. I am looking to purchase good quality, used gymnastics equipment. I am on the east coast, so picking it up within...
  14. K

    Coaches Teaching Backhandsprings with Minimal Equipment

    Recently I've started working with the cheerleading team at the high school I coach at, sort of in an assistant/tumbling coaching position. About a quarter of the girls are (ex) gymnasts/all-star cheerleaders - they can already tumble. Another the next 1/4 can have a RO-BHS or standing BHS -...
  15. N

    Equipment / New Floors

    Who is your favorite equipment vendor to deal with and why? In considering a new floor, what is your opinion of new vs used (demo or camp)? What is the best floor on the market in top, mid & low price ranges? Please feel free to answer any, all or add to a discussion regarding equipment...
  16. F

    Gym Equipment

    What is some of your favorite equipment to use and what do you use it for other than a panel mat and cheese wedge! Looking to get ideas for some possible new mats and would love feedback as I continue to look around!
  17. Q

    Buying equipment for home?

    My daughter just turned 6 and is about to be moved up from level 2 to level 3. She really wants a bar to practice on at home. Does anyone have one they would recommend? (Or not recommend?) I am sure she would love a beam too, but bar is top priority! Would love to hear what you have and why...
  18. Canadian_gym_mom

    Speaking of Differences in Equipment??

    Can anyone tell me what the major differences are between Spieth Anderson equipment and Gymnova? Mostly curious about bars, vault and floor, because her gym has a Gymnova beam.
  19. M

    Equipment repair question Please help

    Hi Everyone,, So we are working on starting our gym and someone posted here they had equipment for sell. He said it was only a few years old. So I bought it He Lied it is 10 years old and the beam he said was 16 ft it is only 12 ft well it has 2 mayjor rips and I need to find a way to get the...
  20. M

    equipment and team question

    we have decided to open a gym. I have found 2 coaches. I think I found the building. We are now trying to write our busisness plan. Does anyone have a good product list of what we need to get going I have a pretty good idea of the main stuff I am just not sure about what differant types of matts...