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  1. Mrs. Puma

    WAG Flyaway!

    I'm on my mom account . Igot my flyaway !!!!!!!!!
  2. O

    WAG Flyaway fear...privates or no?

    DD is lvl5 and has been struggling with a fear issue on her Fly Away since mid-summer. One of the girls broke her nose w/her knee on an attempt gone wrong. Since that time DD cannot make herself go for it. She has done them in the past and I am told she does them well in the harness. She...
  3. PalmTree

    Coaches "Pulling in" on flyaways

    I'm sure this has been talked about before, but I'm unable to search for it and I need an answer! For some reason, one of my gymnast has really started pulling in on her fly away and is about to hit her feet on the bar. At national Congress a few weeks ago, I think it was Tom Forster who was...
  4. J

    WAG Flyaways

    I am really scared to do my flyaway now! Ever since I skinned the cat on the high bar while doing one. How can I prevent from doing that again? How can I get over my fear? Any drills? Sent from my iPod touch using ChalkBucket
  5. stxrdusty

    WAG Letting go of the bar flyaway fear

    Does anyone have any tips that have helped gymnasts get over a fear of letting go of the bar for flyaways? Other than just making them do it of course. Letting go from a tap swing or a super slowed down giant isn't scary, but as soon as I swing faster I can't make myself let go. This is...
  6. G

    Parents Free hip/flyaway

    How long does it usually take to get these skills? DD is 8 and is working on her level 5 skills. She has everything except these 2 skills. Are they harder than learning to kip?
  7. G

    Parents Flyaway

    Ok first post here. Been reading a lot for a while. My question is... My daughter has a fear of the flyaway and has now for over a year. Coach said this week she doesn't know what else to do to get her to do them. To me this sounded like the coach has given up. I am not happy with that. Also we...
  8. livelifetumble8dx

    WAG Sudden block on a flyaway??

    A few weeks before states I started getting nervous about my front handspring layout in particular and wouldn't even throw a front handspring tuck on floor. Eventually I just started doing them on tumble track & reworking my confidence on it. I didn't really say anything to the coaches because...
  9. C

    WAG Flyaways

    Backwalkovers are now coming along well, but a new problem has shown up. I had my flyaway on high bar fine in December. When the optional competition season started, I had to do them on high pit bar with a mat underneath because the optionals were on my setting bar. They were layout flyaways...
  10. GymnasticsIsLife


    So for everybody who read my last post about my flyaway fear when going from a cast I have some great news! I did it tonight! It feels like 200 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. I am competing bars this weekend! Yay!
  11. GymnasticsIsLife

    WAG Cast flyaway problems

    Hi everybody I am a level six gymnast and I usually do very well at meets. That is until about last week, when my old fear of a flyaway came back. I used to completely not do it, then I got it! I had to compete the cast flyaway so I got that about two months ago, the I got scared again! I have a...
  12. JAO

    WAG Flyaways!

    Latest JAO Video tutorial for anyone interested:
  13. G

    WAG Twisting layout flyaway!

    Okay so I would love to have a layout full twist soon! Is there any advice anyone can give me?! Any tips?! Timing issues they have had and how to fix them?? How hard is it to get if I have a solid layout flyaway and twist lots on floor? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  14. Gymnast@<3

    WAG flyaway fear

    HELP!! i have had my flyways for three years and out of nowhere i got scared i have a meet today~!!
  15. D

    Parents Flyaway Fear - what to do to help ?

    My DD (LV6) is currently "stuck" on the tuck flyaway, a skill which she was doing last summer (2013) but then a flyaway fall during a meet in October had her in this downward spiral so bad to the point where she wouldn't even do the tap swings(!!!). After not really getting any consistent...
  16. coachmolly

    Coaches Re-teaching a Flyaway

    I coach a kid that I had been slowly teaching a flyaway, heavily spotting, and waiting to let her go on her own until I knew she was ready. I was away for 2 days, returned to a meet and found out she had learned how to do a flyaway in 2 days and would be competing it that day :eek:. She did it...
  17. twisting007bigflip

    Coaches Layout flyaway

    I'm having a hard time teaching this. Well, not entirely, kids aren't getting that awesome lift that I see some kids get with their layout flyaway. Actually, I'm having two issues...I have a group of ten kids getting ready to move to level 6 and I really want them to have a layout...
  18. Gymfinn7

    WAG Flyaway Mental Blocks

    Hello everyone! So last year I competed the old level 6/ xcel gold and I competed a flyaway in my routine. I never had trouble with them, they were always easy. And now this season I'm gonna compete the new level 6/7 but I need a flyaway.... More accurately a cast flyaway. Here's my problem now...
  19. F

    WAG flyaway dismounts

    Hi all: How do you determine if a flyaway is "at or above" the bar? I know that a good flyaway has height, but I'm not familiar with the specifics of what (ie. which body parts) have to be above the bar during this dismount? Any insight would be appreciated - thanks.
  20. elliisssee

    WAG Flyaway Mental Block

    I know many gymnasts get mental blocks on flyaways. And they get over them eventually. But I've been terrified to do a flyaway (into the pit even) for months. My coaches are sick of it. I know how to do it. When to let go, when to flip, to see your toes. But does anyone have any advice on just...