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  1. gymnafreak

    Healing a broken foot. How much how soon?

    Well, i broke my foot on March 7th. i was in a cast for 7 weeks, and then in a boot up until last sunday. I went back to the doctor and he told me that i was released to do everything... in moderation. Well, i'm thinking, "Whats your idea of in moderation?" I've never broken anything before, and...
  2. gymnafreak

    Broken Foot Update!

    So as some of you know, i broke my foot 6 weeks ago from yesterday. I went to the doctor and he was worried about displacement, so i had a MRI but didn't need surgery. Thank goodness! So he put me in a cast. I went for my two and four week checkups, and i get my cast off on Tuesday!! When i...
  3. dadingym

    Parents States...broken foot... drama rama!!!

    Hey everyone! Haven finished her season this past weekend. She won states with a 37.875 and was very happy. Our gym lost our title however and finished second. Our girls had a serious case of beam falls. It was just plain weird. They were going down one after another. Yesterday, Haven...
  4. gymnafreak

    Conditioning With a Broken Foot.

    I broke my foot about a week ago, and i have to go to gym and condition every practice. I have a cast on my right leg (the one that i use for everything), and i can't put any weight on it. The only things that my coach and i have come up with for conditioning is Pushups (all variations) sit...
  5. gymnafreak

    Broken Foot With Horrible Timing. :(

    So yesterday at my meet, i did a layout stepout on beam and only got part of my foot on and it hurt really bad. I fininshed my beam routine, but didn't compete floor. So it was really swollen this morning and i went to urgent care. They took x-rays and its broken. The worst part is that...
  6. J

    Vaulting to feet

    I coach 8 and 9 year olds who have been learning to vault to their feet this year and it isn't going so hot. 3 can get over to their feet and 1 still has sketchy vaulting to her back. I am looking for any drills or key things you might say to imrpove: - popping or shoulder block - not arching...
  7. Nightflare514

    Beam Dismount + Broken Foot + Not Healing Right=Done with gym and a bright red cast!

    Gah! Sorry for not being on here in a bit. I've been busy with home-schooling and all that jazz. So, I'm done with gymnastics again. I was going to stop in March. I broke my foot flipping a beam dismount. Just a simple cartwheel, back-tuck! Why couldn't it have been a triple-duple-front-pike...
  8. nicci1999

    Both feet on beam

    I didn't want to hijack gymgym's post, so I thought I would make one too. In general, do you guys find it easier to land with both feet together on beam? Because I am having a heck of a time of landing with one foot in front, b/c my heal almost always lands on my toes. But I am afraid to land...
  9. M

    Hitting foot on bar

    DD has had her shoot thru for about 9 months now and she is still hitting the bar with her foot everytime she brings her leg though. Bars is by far her worst event and I am trying to help her get every extra tenth she can get before the season starts in a month. Why is she always hitting the...
  10. F

    Toes / Feet

    Ok - so how many gymnasts have permanently nasty feet/toes?? My dd's toes are such a mess. From all the years of tumbling and sometimes landing wrong, clipping her toes on the bars learning shoot thru's and squat on's, etc. She has ripped off toenails more often than I can count - is it just...
  11. S

    Wish my foot luck

    I'm gonna get my cast off tomarrow and I'm worried they'll make me wear another one. Is it normal for your foot to feel tender on the spot you broke?
  12. Gymgrl111

    Beam & my feet!

    I know this is nasty, but my feet sweat alot when I get on beam. so I ask for chalk. I get the chalk,and then all my teamates"need" some! Then there is barely enough for me!! Is there like antipersperint for your feet or something like that so I don't have to worry about getting chalk?:confused:
  13. C

    Coaches Gymnasts sweaty hands and feet

    On our team we have a gymnast who has EXTREMELY sweaty hands and feet. It is so bad that if she stands on the mat in one place to long she leaves a puddle. The problem is on bars. We always have her put chalk on before her turn and even sometimes in the middle of her turn but after doing one...
  14. Z

    Parents Sq feet

    I read an article the other day and it said the largest gym in the world is 55,000 sq feet, my gosh that must be huge. I was curious how many sq. feet is your gym?
  15. Z

    Coaches Sq. Feet

    I read an article the other day and it said the largest gym in the world is 55,000 sq feet, my gosh that must be huge. I was curious how many sq. feet is your gym?
  16. G

    Coaches Hand & Foot Placement on Beam for Backsprings & Cartwheels/Roundoffs

    My opinion of the hand placement on beam. Backsprings...hands should be placed one behind the other but am not sure if the feet should correspond with hands or be opposite or together. Cartwheels/Roundoffs...hands should be in a "T" position. Any opinions on this from coaches is...
  17. G

    Need Advice for Sweaty Hands and Feet!

    Any ideas?
  18. G

    Parents Lower leg/foot injury-need advice

    My gymie has had a severe problem with a pain in her lower leg, almost to the foot. It only hurts her when she tumbles and pounds on it in any way, or vaults. When she isn't in the gym, it's fine. She was x-rayed but nothing showed up. Doc suggested an MRI to see if it's a stress fracture but we...
  19. gymbabisMom

    Parents Broken foot

    Well gymbabi ended her season with a bang last week. She was working on layout halfs and landed full weight on her curled under toes. Snapped the long bone on the outside edge of her foot completely in two, plus imploded the next two. Luckily once they knocked her out to reduce it, it popped...