Beam Dismount + Broken Foot + Not Healing Right=Done with gym and a bright red cast!

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Sorry for not being on here in a bit. I've been busy with home-schooling and all that jazz.

So, I'm done with gymnastics again. I was going to stop in March.

I broke my foot flipping a beam dismount. Just a simple cartwheel, back-tuck! Why couldn't it have been a triple-duple-front-pike? haha! :p

But anyways, been on crutches since Christmas, went back to the orthopedic surgeon. He didn't think it was healing right, so he casted it.

If it doesn't heal right this time, then I have to have SURGERY!!! Ahh!!! Noo!
I really don't want surgery. lol. who would?

Anyways, just giving you an update.

How exciting. lol. NOT.


- Mere ♥

(And if this should be in 'Off Topic', feel free to move it, and I apologize for posting in the wrong thread! :))
Oh you poor thing, isn't that the way it happens, hurt yourself doing something you can easily do! I feel for you.

Nice to have you back here, stick around.....
Oh you poor thing, isn't that the way it happens, hurt yourself doing something you can easily do! I feel for you.

Nice to have you back here, stick around.....
I promise I'll be here a lot more!

It actually wasn't simple for me...I had a huge mental block with it, because when I was doing a back-tuck off of my friend's diving board, I came down and knocked out my front tooth...Now I'm afraid to go backwards off of anything.

I'm wicked sorry to hear about that! But do take it easy on that foot, positive bone healing thoughts being sent your way!
i totally agree with what you said about hurting yourself on an easy skill. We seem to be really good at hurting ourselves on the easiest things. Then you have to go to school and everyone asks you "What happened" and you're like "i sprained my ankle doing a roundoff that i have been able to do since i was 4." lol. But yeah, i totally know how you feel. I really hope it gets better cuz i'm really afraid of surgery too and i know how you feel! Good luck!:)
OMG.I'm so sorry.I don't know if it would make you feel better breaking your foot on a big skill.Atleast you didn't just twist your knee getting up out of a chair which resulted in a torn meniscus.Ha,ha.Clumpsy me.I thought the same thing back then.Anyway I thought maybe you get a kick out of it.Hope your foot heals soon.
OMG.I'm so sorry.I don't know if it would make you feel better breaking your foot on a big skill.Atleast you didn't just twist your knee getting up out of a chair which resulted in a torn meniscus.Ha,ha.Clumpsy me.I thought the same thing back then.Anyway I thought maybe you get a kick out of it.Hope your foot heals soon.
Woah. That's not funny! Any kind of injuries aren't funny at all to me.

I'm clumsy, too.

You don't even wanna know how many doors/walls/other miscellaneous things I've crutched into in the past two moths.

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