Do you know if there are any places to buy GK leotards besides the actual GK site? Especially at a discount or like an outlet type thing? I really want one but I really don't like any of the current styles.
Have any of you guys used the Downeast GK outlet in Reading PA? What do you think of them? There are two leos that I really want out of the winter catalog, but it ends tomorrow, and I wanted to wait until tax return to buy them. I am also a little weary about giving my credit card number over...
Hi there!!:)
I was going to purchase a pair I heard from some of my friends toLD ME TO order a size(s) smaller becasue they are a little big. So if I wear am AS leo( LEOS ARE A LITTLE BIG FOR GROWING ROOM) Should I order like CL black velvet shorts FROM GK????
Im really dissapointed i really love the purple leo shawn had in the floor final and now GK are selling it but dont ship to the there any1 out there who could get hold of one and put it on ebay for me pleeeeeeease :( i cant believe they only ship to US and Canada
Well, after posting the thread on why briefs aren't integrated into leos, I emailed the question to GK elite. IT took a couple weeks before I got a quick response basically saying that it just isn't good for the design and many girls don't like the feel of briefs. etc.
Well, after several...
Does anyone know what size you order? I dont know. I wear a size Adult Extra smalll leo size. Is that the size i buy the undies in? Like the skin tone ones.
Please help! Anything you know will help me
Hi! Does anyone know how the Destira workout shorts compare to the cut and fit of the GK shorts? Destira has some for only $10, but only the fabric is pictured on their site. I have three gymnasts and haven't bought my two level 4's any shorts for their leos yet due to cost. Thanks!
Hello from GK Elite Sportswear. We noticed a thread on this board regarding adidas leotards and wanted to respond.
YES - adidas leotards are now available from GK. GK has been making the US National Team adidas leotards since 2000. They are now available to the general public. You can...