We were at a meet this weekend. During our daughter's floor event the music failed about 8 seconds before the end of her routine. It also did this to her teammate's music and then again to another athlete's music from an opposing team. We were originally of the impression that the athletes...
Just been looking at the Voluntary results and was looking at the D scores, so went and searched for some info on how the judges calculate the scores.
From my limited understanding on judging, the E Panel judge the Execution score. All Gymnast start with an E score of 10, so a perfect...
Can any coaches / judges tell me if the following floor rules mean that there should be two backwards saltos in the routine to get all the CRs or if the salto with min 360 turn counts as two CRs? It looks like there should be three tumbles in the routine to me but my daughter only has two...
Hi! My DD will do a short season of L5 before this fall and the coaches are really pushing her to vault at a higher table height. She is 8 1/2 and pretty small overall for her age but she is a pretty powerful vaulter. She competed L4 at a table height of 110cm. She moved to a 115cm right...
Is the value different than a regular front toss and how exactly do the judges tell the difference between the two - as in what are they looking for to distinguish the pike/tuck? We have watched some videos and the tucks and pikes all look the same.
My daughter (level 3) did a handstand forward roll on floor where she was supposed to do the bridge kick-over. She was wondering: What is the best thing to do once that happens to end with the most points possible? Just go right into the bridge kick-over and continue as if she hadn't done the...
So lets say you have to gymnasts, one competes the bare minimum requirements but the routine is extremely clean, the other gymnast competes a harder version of the routine (front handspring layout instead of front handspring front tuck in L7 floor) she too is extremely clean. They both have 3...
Can artistry be judged without being inherently sexual?
Across almost all cultures, dance generally has a sexual element. Sometimes it's overt, with booty-shaking and shimmying; other times its subtle with displays of flexibility that just happen to put the crotch on display.
Now I want to say...
My daughter is a L7 gymnast who has been scoring in the high 8s with her current floor routine.
Her skills seem comparable (if not even sometimes better) than teammates who outscore her. While her music may not be as upbeat as the rest of the team, she believes she has all the required...
Would any judges be willing to look at a level 4 floor routine and vault? Normally don’t ask but scores were hugely different compared to a meet several weeks ago, but routines look the same. Just trying to understand. Thanks!
My daughter is level 7. She usually scores well on vault but at the last meet scored lower than she has been. I am not sure why? I can’t see where she got the deductions.
Anyone willing to take a look? Not sure if I should try posting it here?
DD was happy to have corrections from the board on her first meet. She used them to improve on 3 of the four events. She was hoping a judge was willing to give her a few tips on her second meet. Anyone have some free time?
I thought the scores were harsh at DD's in-house meet and am hoping for better at the real meets. Curious if others have found judging to be harsher at in-house than at regular meets.
I'm not even going to go into the back argument here, but...
Compulsory judges, this is all about starting position on floor.
My understanding is this: Right-handed gymnasts should start to the right of the judges table on the floor, left-handed gymnasts start to the left side of the...
I know most people are not super familiar with USAIGC, but if there is a judge who could answer a question I'd be most appreciative! I'm just trying to understand the scoring a little better. Thanks! :)
I was at a competition last weekend, the team that was on vault had 2 coaches present. The first coach was at the vault table, however sneakily had her hand holding the front corner of the top mat. The second coach was leaning on the mat at the back. This was all to keep the mat from moving...
Hello, i was wondering if any judges or coaches would be able to look at my floor routine and tell me any errors and deductions in my routine. A score would be great as well to- i'm in xcel gold
thanks :)