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  1. gymnast_claire16

    Judge my floor routine

    Hello, i was wondering if anyone was a judge or knew a judge that would be willing to take a look at my floor routine and telle me the deductions they see. I would like my routine to be as good as possible for state :)
  2. azara

    Women Becoming a judge in Australia

    Hi Chalkbucketers, I've always been interested in the technical side of gymnastics and I think it would be very interesting to become a judge. I've been looking for information on the Gymnastics Australia webpage and found that the course I need to take is a beginner's judging course for WAG...
  3. F

    Parents Judging harder in some states or regions?

    I continue to read and hear parents say oh well they judge harder here or if their daughter competed in a different state than where they are from? I'm just trying to figure out if #1 is that true? #2 do they say that to make their DD lower scores more justified #3 if it is true why? I thought...
  4. CLgym

    Women L4 floor help -- Judges or coaches -- anyone willing to look?

    State meet is just around the corner, and DD is frustrated with floor scores. Anyone (judges, coaches or experienced parents) willing to take a look and share thoughts/feedback? I can PM her highest scoring and lowest scoring floor routines of the season. Thanks!
  5. Lilou

    Parents Gym owner also a judge at meet

    Just curious if this is normal for gymnastics. At a recent meet, the owner of the hosting gym was also a judge for the meet. This seems, in my humble opinion, to be a conflict of interest, but in gymnastics is this just common and normal? All of the top 3 (sometimes 4) spots in all results were...
  6. B

    Women Need Judge's Advice

    If any judges are willing to help me out in understanding a score/improvements please PM me or I can PM you! Specifically - compulsory judge Thanks in advance!
  7. e'smum

    Women is there a judge on here who can take a look at lvl 6 floor?

    we love dd's routine. it was chore'd by a gymnast who did a bid for a spot on the olympic team a while back. now she's qualified to judge up to level 10. it's a great routine. but dd consistently gets the lowest scores on floor in her meets. and on her team. she's mainly upper 8s but has...
  8. M

    Women Level 4 Judge, please!

    Can a Level 4 Judge please take a look at my DD's recent floor routine? I can link you to our YouTube. TIA.
  9. Sarah_the_gymnast

    Women Judges, Coaches: Is this in the COP and what value?

    Thanks. I think it's called toe on bail, but i'm not sure. Also, obviously with like good form.
  10. S

    Women Judges?

    Would any compulsory level rated judges please PM me, if possible? Thank you!
  11. L

    Women Judge a routine

    Would someone be willing to judge my daughter's level 8 floor, bars and vault? She recently had a mock meet, but we don't receive any feedback. She's extremely nervous about this season and I was thinking if she knew about what to expect sore wise, it might help....thanks!!
  12. BPD304

    Parents Question on judges notes...

    Today at my DD L4 practice meet she got notes back on her events on things to work on. One of the notes said she must squat in her double flip flop. What does that mean? Is that for after the round off prior to the first flip flop? I have limited gymnastics knowledge & I didn't want to...
  13. D

    Women Are parents allowed to judge their own kids?

    ...fyi, I have NO desire to EVER be a judge....I will leave that to the professionals....but I really got curious if this ever happens. Someone out there let me know. I wouldn't think it would matter as there is more than one judge per event....but does it happen?
  14. vans2

    Women Judge My DDs Bar Routine (Lvl 5)

    I've recently joined the Chalk Bucket community and see lots of parents posting videos and asking for critiques. We would love if someone would help us out by judging my DDs lvl 5 bars routine. The score she received was not what we were expecting so we're interested in obtaining some advice...
  15. GymDad9.9

    Women Judge Orders USAG Sex Abuse Files to Be Unsealed

    this story broke yesterday and is part of a Georgia trial against USAG by a former gymnast. Names and gyms to be redacted out. The files should shine light on USAG practices in this regard...
  16. kayjaybe

    Women Food for judges at meets

    If you are a judge or work providing judges food at meets, what do you provide for them? The few people that handled this area for meets we host are no longer with the gym and I'm helping take over that area. Are there any requirements of what must be provided? (E.g. Vegetarian options, food...
  17. D

    Men a question about judges...

    ...it comes from my child, and she is young, so bear with her (and me): She has watched many meets. Perhaps it is luck of the 'draw' so to speak in what she has watched. But she has noticed that men judge the women, yet she has not seen any women judge the men. She would like to know if women do...
  18. Ali'sMom

    Women Coach/judge question - beam series/flight

    Can someone who "knows", tell me if they believe that the dive cartwheel / round off done in this video (not mine, but public on youtube) would get credit as a connection? And would that also count as flight for L7? Thank you!
  19. B

    Women Judges

    What is the rate of pay for judges and does it go by region?
  20. L

    Women Xcel Platinum Judges - Question about beam

    My DD is doing Platinum this year after being in JO. We have a large xcel team but this is the first year offering platinum as we tend to focus on JO for skills aligned with level 6 and up. So, I am not sure if there is some missing info, but I am trying to understand if my DD is missing a B...