My DD 11 has been trying to mount the low bar with a glide kip for months.
Sometimes she gets it. Sometimes she can't do it.
Generally, she's not the kind to muscle her way up onto the bar. She keeps her arms straight.
She knows the form and the shapes, but it seems like she's not understanding...
Hello all!
So my DD has a kip (well out of 5 try's she will make at least 3). They aren't 100% consistent, and they aren't always with straight arms. She cannot figure out how to cast out of her kip, and whenever she try's, she just falls forward. Does any one have any tips? Or how can she get...
I’m trying hard to learn my kip at home everyday. I only do 30-40 minutes a week at my gymnastics club but at home I train 1-4 hour’s everyday I’ve been trying to learn it for 1 week now pls help! Have you got any tips?
Can someone help me out with my kip? I have it, but it’s not super solid and I can’t keep my arms straight when going over the bar (look at the attached images) the images are screenshots from two videos of me doing kips since we can’t attach videos on here
So my DD is trying very hard to get her kip on the high bar. She does have her low bar kip, but its not consistent. Sometimes she will land it all the time in practice, and other times she wont be able to make it at all. Do you think she needs to make her low bar kip consistent before trying for...
Hello, my dd ( L7) casts with her leg together, and all of her teamates with their legs apart. What’s the difference? It seems to me that her back may be more arched. she tells me she ins able with her legs apart. So I was wondering… what. exactly is the difference?
Kip training
Slow Mo Kip Practice
Daughter has been working so hard, she’s close but seems to be arching her head and shoulders back. Telling her to lean forward hasn’t helped. Any other ideas on how she can improve/what she is doing wrong? She’s getting very frustrated since she’s been close...
I'm trying to get my high bar kip but because of COVID I am unable to practice. I have a bar at home but not uneven bars so it's not the same as high bar kip. Does anybody have any drills that could help me get it when we get back to the gym?
Please help me. I am 15 snd have been trying nearly a year. My megs ate a bit bent on the video but they are usually straight. I cant leam over the bar i am too far away. What exercise or drill do i need?
I figured I would start posting some of drills and systems that we use in the gym as that is what ChalkBucket is all about. ChalkBucket was created in 2005 to help everyone learn more about gymnastics.
The cast handstand tower is a great way to practice cast handstands on uneven bars without...
I had gotten my kip for one day then lost it. I'm blaming the fact that I got my cast off the next day and it has set me off balance but my coach is really annoyed.
She's always saying how she expects everyone on excel gold to have a kip. It doesn't make it any better that I'm the oldest girl n...
Hi y’all! I have a problem. I can’t seem to get my kip and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I thought maybe the wrist shifting isn’t good. I have no clue how to shift my wrists, I just can’t. Can you see what is wrong with my kip and what’s stopping me to get it and do you have some tips? I...
My 8 year old level 4 had her kip before she got grips. She got it about a month before grips. Now that she has grips, she can’t do her kip anymore. She blames the grips but she won’t tell the coach. She is very shy. Should I wait it out or email the coach to see if she can do bars without...
My daughter hasn’t been in gymnastics for 3 years because of two elbow operations. She is 13. I was wondering how long it will take her to get her kip back since she was a level 6 gymnast. Thanks!
I’m having a real problem that I’ve sort of been avoiding, but it’s really catching up to me. I’m in Xcel Gold and have been for three years. I know 3 years of a level is really uncommon (and I’m pretty embarrassed about it), but I could’ve been platinum a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact...
My daughter will pause and adjust her grips every time after kip on both low bar and high bar. Every time! She said they don't feel right but of course she can't do this in a meet. The coach hasn't provided any help. Ideas?
Hi everyone, dd's been having a lot of difficulty with the glide kip, to the point where she is frustrated & developing a mental block. I'd love your thoughts on what she's doing wrong or could do better, it's driving us crazy! Below is the link to a side-view video, really appreciate the help...
Do you teach kips with a straddle during the glide or with the legs together? Are there pros and cons I should be aware of?
I have a few girls who straddle way too early and lose all momentum so I'm thinking about switching them over to no straddle.
Only obvious thing I can think of is the...