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  1. Aero

    Coaches Teaching the flyaway: layout, or tuck?

    Hi friends! I'm starting to teach one of my girls how to do a flyaway. She's the only one who can kip so far, so I feel she is ready. We are going through the beginning drills, such as candle flips, sighting something with the eyes and tapping to that spot, getting her toes to that visual marker...
  2. nickibinds

    Coaches Side Aerial + Back Layout Step-Out Beam Feet Placement

    Hello, coaches! I have a question about the feet placement during a side aerial (D) + back layout step-out (C) connection on beam. More specifically, if you have a lefty gymnast which foot should be in front at the end of the side aerial/take-off for the layout step-out, and which foot should...
  3. A

    WAG Value for Side Gainer Layout?

    I would think it would be a b, but not sure.
  4. I

    WAG How long did it take you from layout to twist? can I make it after my injury?

    I have had a pretty bad knee injury so I couldn't do heavy tumbling or vault for the last 6 months. I want to be able to compete L8 by summer! I am so ready on bars and beam, because I have focused on that for the last months. But I wasn't allowed to do heavy tumbling. I have a very good back...
  5. A

    WAG Layouts and Fulls help? Bad quality video but my back layout on rod floor, and my Front layout full off tumble track. My coach is wanting me to start back halfs, but I feel like I pike too much in my layout to start halfs. How do I take the pike out? Also when I do start...
  6. curlymomof3

    WAG Why a layout flyaway?

    Dd is training level 5 and the coach is having all the girls learn the fly away in a layout position rather than tucked. Would love a coaches point of view on why this would be preferred. It seems so much more difficult for the girls to learn! Ideas?
  7. K

    WAG your experiences...from Back Tuck to Layout to Twist - was it hard for you/your DD?

    RO BH BT came quite easy to me. After mastering all 3 on their own it took some practice but then I got it quite quick. I was always super confused how I should ever be able to do a back layout! But I trained it on trampline first and I actually could throw one on tumbl trak just after 3 days...
  8. K

    WAG back tuck vs whip back vs back layout

    I have my RO BH BT on spring floor and I can do it on the grass too. I have never tried a back layout or whip back. Is it a big step to go from a back tuck to a layout/whip back? For me, this seems impossible! I think I might get it on tumbl trak easily, but on spring floor/grass I can't...
  9. B

    Coaches Back layout on floor

    What causes the back layout to burn out (slow down and almost stop rotation) over the top when doing RO backhandspring layout on floor. I know the answer to a lot of these post but I really love hearing other coaching tips and info just in case I need to look for other stuff.
  10. coach1234

    Coaches Back handspring layout step out

    Hi I have some gymnasts that need to start thinking about connections on beam, I would like to do back handspring layout step outs with them and I was wondering if anyone had any good drills/techniques you use to make these work for your gymnasts Thanks :)
  11. G

    WAG Twisting layout flyaway!

    Okay so I would love to have a layout full twist soon! Is there any advice anyone can give me?! Any tips?! Timing issues they have had and how to fix them?? How hard is it to get if I have a solid layout flyaway and twist lots on floor? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  12. H

    R/O bhs layout trouble

    I am a new level 6 gymnast who is currently having trouble learning my layout (IK, my layout is required but I am currently competing highschool season right now). I can do it flawlessly on a tumble track and know the timing of the skill, but when I try it on the regular floor it always turns...
  13. Adelita.19

    Back layout full twist

    Does anyone have any tips for a back layout full twist? I can do a half one alright but I can't twist fast enough for a full one
  14. twisting007bigflip

    Coaches Layout flyaway

    I'm having a hard time teaching this. Well, not entirely, kids aren't getting that awesome lift that I see some kids get with their layout flyaway. Actually, I'm having two issues...I have a group of ten kids getting ready to move to level 6 and I really want them to have a layout...
  15. B

    Coaches Layout step out on beam ...

    Just curious ... How do you guys explain the arm movement in the Layout step out on beam (especially in the take off) ... would you say the arms go up, down and then up again? I'm so burnt out I'm getting confuse over simple things ::laughs:: I would love hearing how you guys explain teaching...
  16. coachmolly

    Coaches Teaching Back Layouts

    I have 2 high schoolers who are cheerleaders first and foremost and compete on the school gymnastics team in the winter season. They receive tumbling training year round through cheer programs and are pretty powerful with lots of potential, but also lacking in foundation. Working on the basics...
  17. coachmolly

    Coaches Front Layouts for VT

    I have some girls that are really struggling with FHS vaults and want to work punch front layouts with them, however there is no tramp in the gym. Would a spring board to an 8 incher be enough to get them started? They are (new) level 3/4s, most have fhs on floor, some are working towards front...
  18. gymgal

    WAG What's the value of layout 1.5 twist on fx

    Dd is under the impression it is only a "b" and that you need a 2x twist for a 'c', but on another thread it was mentioned that the 1.5 is a 'c'. I tried looking on an engine search and didn't find anything.
  19. twisting007bigflip

    Quad twisting double layout

    2013 2009 WHAT?? Is this seriously possible? A quad double? On floor? Holy smokes. I know on trampoline it's a miller +, but this is the very first one that *i* have ever seen this attempted on floor (a rod floor, but still!) Crazy crazy crazy hard. I bow down.
  20. Ari97

    WAG help with back layout half twist please?

    So I'm trying to learn a back layout half twist but I'm having trouble twisting! I can do like half of a half. I've looked online and I found something that said a good drill is to do a backhandspring but when your vertical in the air you twist, I'm also having trouble with that too. Anyone...