Northern Hills Gymnastics in Sturgis, SD will be a brand new 12,000 sq. ft. air conditioned gym and business scheduled to open in early 2019! We are looking for a head coach and program manager who wants to take charge and build their own recreational (boys and girls) and competitive women’s...
Sorry I have to be vague, but I will try my best to explain the situation.
We just found out some terrible news about our gym, and have decided that we need to immediately leave. We have a huge problem, though! Our daughter has a serious injury at this time and cannot do a try out. She...
hello all. My dd recently switched gyms. she switched for various reasons, drive time, friends at this other gym, training times being earlier, etc. It was not to find a better gym or coaches but I will admit I did think that maybe being at a new gym it might open up the door for my dd to get...
We knew we would be switching gyms after this past season and my daughter has fallen in love with a brand new gym in the area. However, something about it being brand new has me hesitating. Has anyone had experience with a new gym and how did it turn out? Thanks!
Update time!!!
What a completely different experience. We were greeted by both the gym owner and coach when we arrived. Weslan had a blast, he was having fun again. He liked the coaches and the coaches were happy to have him. They spoke with me after practice which was awesome!!!
So here's the...
Can you give some advice?
My dd just finished competing in compulsories at state, and she’s been accepted to another gym (actually a few others, but there’s one that’s our top choice). We’re trying to decide if she should stay at her current gym or switch to the new gym. Can I share a few of...
So after 4 years at the same gym, we moved gyms back in April. The main coach has been a coach for 30+ years, but seems to struggle with communication both with the gymnasts (my 11 year old DD is afraid to ask questions) and with the parents. So last night my daughter was frustrated as she was...
I found ChalkBucket about one month ago and have learned so much already. While my youngest DD has been a gymnast 2 years I still have lots to learn, and I have found this to be a wonderful place to do so. Thank you everyone who are so generously sharing your knowledge and experiences...
Hello, my dd is switching gyms this summer and we are looking for any feedback (the good, the bad, and the ugly) My biggest worry for her is leaving her current gym just to get into another negative Coaching environment. She is absolutely fine with strict and tough but not belittling and...
Call? Email? Stop by? And, from posts I've read here I get the sense you're supposed to keep it as quiet as possible while looking around- so do you contact the new gym and not say which gym your child is coming from? Do you wait until meet season is over? I'm definitely still in the exploratory...
Trying to keep it short, but I'm new to this. Newer gym, first year with a team, very unorganized, owner is unprofessional, doesn't seem to care or know what their doing always complaining about money. We live in a very small town, only gym within an hour, but other gyms are available if we're...
This question comes a bit early in my daughters gymnastics career but here is the scenario....
My DD is competing level 7 this year, first year. She loves her gym and her teammates and coaches. This gym however, has never had any gymnasts go beyond level 9. I don't know if it was the gymnasts...
My husband follows this journalist and I guess he is now a gym dad. Thought it was a good article that all of us can relate to. Warning- there is profanity in the article.
My daughter just moved to a new gym. She did not want to move, but my husband and I felt it was the best choice. She is 12 and competed L9 last year. For those of you who moved your reluctant gymnast to a new gym, how long did it take them to adjust?
My youngest, who is selective mute, is doing better at her gym. However, we went for an open gym there and one of the coaches threatened to kick her out because at the end of the session, she asked everyone to raise their arms up and my daughter didn't do it and got her shy look on. She is 5...
Y'all… Thank you so much for all of your advice during our Abrupt transition from Our last gym! My daughter went to her first full practice last night. She is typically a very 5 year old, Who does not do well with change… And I felt horrible for having to change it from our last gym so fast, but...
My daughter is a level two, five-year-old. So yes, I know she's really young. But, Some of y'all read my previous threads talking about some major concerns we had at Her previous gym. I had actually just switched her to that gym in January, and I really hate that we are switching again, but we...
hi, I could really use some advice, please! I have 3 competitive gymnasts and they've been at the same gym for 5 years. They have recently hired a new coach who I feel is a bit too nasty with the kids and my dd's are terrified of her. One of the other coaches told me that the coaches see her...
My DD left her gym 3 weeks ago. She was the last gymnast at her level (L5) and there wasn't a solid plan in place for her season. There were no gymnasts above her level. She is now figuring out what to look for in a gym. Since it's the middle of competition season, it feels like an awkward time...