new gym

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  1. Blackie6

    Parents I think I am starting to *love* our new gym.

    While we miss old coach still *sigh*, I am finding out day after day that there are alot of little things that were missing from the old gym. Today I stayed and watched a little of practice and watched owner working with the girls from the L4 and L5 team as they were warming up on the floor. I...
  2. F

    New gym club!

    My gym club only do tumbling since a while ago now and i haaate tumbling!! i've been so unhappy there and ended up quitting... but i went to look at a new gym club today and they're happy to have me there! it has a sprung floor, pits, everything... it's small but it'll be so nice to be able to...
  3. G

    Testing a new gym tonigh wish me luck!

    Ok so times are tuff so I have to cheek out a new gym tonight it,s only open gym but iv,e done some looking around there scores ..........?not that grate :( it,s only for a little wighle i really don,t want to go .But ill give this gym a chance i guess .I MEAN this coulde not be that bad right...
  4. V

    Parents fitting in at new gym

    My daughter has been at her new gym for a couple of months now and loves it. She loves the coaches and the challenge. However, she seems to be having trouble fitting in with the other girls. She came from a gym where she was the oldest and everyones big sister. Now she feels like the outsider...
  5. G

    New Gym

    Well hello ; i have another question. Im thinking of going to a new gym but the switch is hard. I currently go to a Local YMCA and i dont consider it a " real" gym. We only get half a gym and i want a gym dedicated to gymnastics. I was looking at gymnastics express but its so expensive ...
  6. J

    Parents New Gym update and GRIPS!

    I think changing gyms has been the most stressful thing I've had to do this year. As you know we left just before nationals opting not to go when they fired DD's coach. As I feared things did get worse at the old gym with screaming, yelling and drama. So pulling her was the right decision...
  7. L

    New Gym? Right Choice? :(

    Okayy so I have been having some trouble at my gym with the coaches and theres a lot of drama between the girls. I went and watched a practice at northwest (different gym in my area) and it looked like a lot better coaching and more, better equiptment.The girls there were super nice and...
  8. gymnafreak

    Try Out at New Gym Today!

    Today is my try out at my new gym! I'm so excited for it!! My mom's even busting me out of school 15 minutes early so i can get there on time. I'll post how it goes tonight!!! Wish me luck!! :)
  9. V

    Parents report about new gym

    It's been a few weeks since I last posted anything. It's been an insanely busy time for us lately. We finished up at our old gym and DD finally started at her new one. She loves it! :) I can already tell that it was the best thing to do. She came home after the first day with sore muscles that...
  10. G

    New gym mom!

    Hello, I'm Tanya, mom to 5 year old Finnegan who is just starting out in gymnastics. He took session of group tumbling classes and has now started private coaching in addition to the group class. He is loving every minute with coach Brad. He's training at a non-competitive gym. I'm here to...
  11. R

    New Gym Mom in Pennsylvania

    My name is Sandy and we live in the Poconos of Pa. Taking a moment to say hello (Hello) to everyone. My daughter is 8 and has been in gymnastics for a year and a half. We were attending a small local gym and my daughter couldn't get enough of it. We tried an "open gym" at Parkettes in Allentown...
  12. D

    Help with questions for new gym

    Well now that we have past States (just today) my DD placed 4th on Floor 8 years old, level 4 first year. Did well on other events, but did not place. Anyway, I have finally decided to call another gym closer to home. We live 30 min. from our current gym. Possible new gym 12 -15 min. My daughter...
  13. J

    Parents tried a new gym today

    sigh of relief. DD had a BLAST, the girls were all very welcoming. I felt good about the spotting. they worked 3 hrs and they worked hard, she loved it. After she asked if we could go back tomorrow? next friday? I made a comment about working hard and she said matter of fact "there was...
  14. J

    New Gym Trial Today

    Words can not describe the mommy anxiety I have! LOL Jess is going to "visit" a new gym tonight. She loves the idea of visiting a gym, any gym, new equipment, pits etc! :cool: Our gym doesn't have any pits - so the question of the day is "can I jump in the pit!??" I'm excited to see...
  15. J

    New Gym Mom

    Hi, this is my first post to the CB. I am the mother of three girls, two of whom have been gymnasts for one year. My eight-year-old is in a developmental class, practicing L4, and my six-year-old is in the TumbleTots program at our local gym. Hopefully, the older girl will have the opportunity...
  16. B

    new gym mom

    Hi, new to chalk bucket. My little gymnast is actually only three turning four in feb. she has been in a preschool gym program for the past year and today I was approached about her going to level one team next season. So I figured I better get up to speed on the sport as I was a soccer...
  17. Gymgrl111

    Off Topic Update on the new gym!!

    Hi!!!! So some of you know that I was moving gyms. This was not a desision made by me, so I was not happy w/ that at all. But I have started at this new Gym, and I like it!! At my old Gym it was very crowded, but at the new gym we have room to breathe!!! I have also made alot of new friends, and...
  18. D

    New Gym Dad

    Hi from Montreal, Canada You have a great site here. My daughter is 6 years old and she has been in gymnastics for 3 years. She loves it so much that I needed to educate myself on safety measures, because she is always wanting to practise at home with me. She is presently Defi 2, which I...
  19. G

    new gym wanat to move home

    ok so i had gym today and ther not as good as my old gym well worm ups ware jump into the pit a hold difrent jumps and then we did side to side jumps and then wormeups were done and then we did floor dont get me stared withe floor lol.then trampoline and then bars and i riped lol finally on the...
  20. TripletsMom

    New gym mom!

    Hi everyone! My name is Annie, I have been a lurker here for a long time, and finally got the guts to join!:p I have triplets aged 7 who are a level 5\6. They have been doing the sport since they were about 3. It is good to be here!:) Annie