I have recently begun coaching a group of "advanced" 4-year old gymnasts who are on the track of joining pre-comp within the next couple years. They are all basically starting from scratch. My question is by age 5 or 6 what skills should they be progressing towards? Besides basic development of...
My little has a pre team assessment during her advanced class tonight. I am so nervous for her!
She has a hand me down pre team leo that she is just dying to wear.
There's a girl that's in my teen tumbling class and she is friends with my Pre-Team partner. And she will be in my Pre-Team today though she didn't come last time. I asked her if she was in my Pre-Team and she was like yeah I was already in it the session before but I quit because of soccer but...
Today was my first practice for Pre-Team and it was amazing! I met a new girl who I made friends with right away. Since I had the first day of the second session of summer tumbling and she was new. We were both working on FHS last night and I helped her since she couldn't land hers! Well I have...
Right now i'm doing a rec gymnastics camp, but i saw a few girls who are on the rec team with me training as pre-team. As i saw them, i came to see that what they were doing was much more my level than the rec camp. I learned that the head coach picked the girls who could do all of the...
I start level three next tuesday, and I did 10 front hips at the park, and I almost have my kip. I really want to ring the Skill Bell for them (you ring a bell then demonstrate your skills). I got grips and I don't know if I will still almost have my kip and have my front hip in grips. Any tips?:o
Okay so I started a month ago. And my coach bumped me up to pre-team after one session. I'll be 14 by the time pre-team starts. She was a little hesitant because I don't have my backbend kick over. Thought the gymnastics coordinator told me I would be for sure in pre-team and needed to get...
I am 13 almost 14. I've heard from threads the coaches won't offer me a spot on the team because of my age. I'm taking a beginners class that is way too easy. I have most basics and did it when I was five for a year. Then I did tumbling for three years. Now I'm doing tumbling and gymnastics...
My son is still young, but wants/will be able to compete next season. He's level 3 pre-team up training this summer (two days a week, 1.5 hours each day) plus any open gyms he can attend. Extremely strong upper body, muscles, etc. It all seems to come naturally to him (was recreational for a...
So my littles ds who is five and a half just got invited to join pre-team. He is so excited this kid loves gymnastics in no small part because he adores his older brother who is on team and will compete next year as a level 5. My little one is a wiggly little squirrel and to be honest I was...
I posted a few months ago about asking the coach about my DD's progress to see if pre-team was an option in her future. She suggested doing two classes a week and let me know that it's by invitation only and comprised of girls ages 4-8. My DD is six, nearly 7. She said that they consider a lot...
I didn't know how to headline this thread so please read further to find out what I'm talking about.
Well, I'm a preateam coach. The kids are all 7 or 8 years old. I have a lovely assistant coach with me. She's a mother of one of the girls and a former gymnast.
As a mother my assistant coach...
Ok I am pretty "green" when it comes to gymnastics. I have read on here about kids in "developmental" gym classe, and I have read about kids on pre team. My question is What is the difference? I know pre team at our gym starts at level 2/3. So that being said, what would be the developmental...
Hi, I'm new here and I have no gymnastics background, so I hope I can ask for some advice here!
My dd is 4.5. Background: she started in Mommy and Me classes when she was around 18 months at a gym that only has rec classes. She continued taking gymnastics and at age 3, moved into a...
I started as a preteam coach in September. There is 11 6-7 year old girls in this group. The gym I coach in has four groups of team girls age 6-8 and they are divided into those groups on the basis of their potential, earlier progress in gymnastics (team or rec), physical abilities and...
My dd recently made pre team & was asked to practice 3 days / wk for 1 hr each day. Unfortunately we are unable to make all 3 days. Probably just 2 days @ most. I'm not familiar with gymnastics at all. She is my only child involved in it & I never did it as a kid. Will she fall behind in the...
My daughter recently started pre-team, which has been her goal for a long time. She loves it, and I love watching her, but the talk I am overhearing in the bleachers is already driving me batty. There is a little cluster of moms who spend the entire practice complaining about how their daughters...
I am starting a new group of talented litle girls ages 6-9 in pre-team next week. The goal is that they will compete USAG Level 4 (which will be the new Level 3 next year) in Fall 2013. I have several ideas of what I want to stress, but I was interested to hear what other people do in their...