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  1. R

    New to the TOPS/ELITE World

    My Mini is 8 years old, and made it to national TOPS testing in IND in Oct... I don't know what I don't know. Any advise would be nice. Thanks!!
  2. F

    WAG TOPS National Testing Open to Parents

    TOPS National Testing can now be watched by the parents. Parents were never allowed to watch when it was held at the ranch. I'm wondering if this means parents will be able to watch invite and devo camps as well?? Not holding my breath on that one though.
  3. justkeepswimming

    WAG Tops

    With all the changes currently happening with USA Gymnastics, is there less participation with the TOPS program? This is the first year my daughter is training and testing for TOPS, and it seems hardly anyone has posted or talked about it. I heard only 5 kids participated in the first test this...
  4. J

    Parents Tops testing results

    are the scores posted anywhere?
  5. Aero

    WAG Pre-Team and TOPs variance across gyms.

    Hello everybody! I wanted to post this in the WAG forum because I wanted the widest range of responses; coach, parent, and gymnast perspectives are all welcome, as well as judges and gym owners. So I am constantly working to refine the team program at my gym, which is a large part of why I was...
  6. justkeepswimming

    WAG Tops/Hopes

    How can I be added to the TOPS/Hopes group on here? I have requested access to the group, but am not sure how to actually be able to access it. I have a child training TOPS and would like to be able to read information from others. Thank you!
  7. Mrs. Puma

    WAG TOPS teams are out!

    Congrats to all! A couple kids Puma Jr used to compete against made it. One girl from the powerhouse gym close to here that I expected to make it I do not see on the A/B lists...could she still be invited to the DIC? I find all this very interesting even though my kid is not on an elite path...
  8. AlijahsMom

    Parents TOPS and Levels question

    Hi, This is my first post, but have been lurking on here and some fb pages. I've been wondering though, is there any correlation to TOPS and Levels. I've read some threads where parents mention 8-10 year olds being Level 6 or 7 testing for TOPS. Even one where the daughter was 9 or 10 and...
  9. notthatmom

    WAG USAG TOPs 2000 note to gymnasts

    Saw this posted on the Gymcastic Facebook page today....thoughts?
  10. F

    Parents TOPs testing .. how's it going?

    Hey all! As many of you know we are in the trenches of TOPs testing this month! How's everyone doing? We never know as everything is confidential.. we don't see testing or scores so it's a waiting game! Lol! My favorite!! ( not ) I would post this in the TOPs/HOPES group, but I've been waiting...
  11. Carrie Roberts

    WAG 7 year old TOPs Testing

    Hi all! I'm new to the group so I just wanted to introduce myself. My oldest dd is a 7 year old competitive gymnast and she is the one and only ever gymnast to test for TOPs at our gym. I just wanted to check to see if there are maybe any other 7 year old tops mommas on here and see if we...
  12. GYM0M

    WAG TOPS Season is HERE!

    With TOPS season right upon us, if anyone is interested in joining the TOPS/HOPES social group, please send me a PM. This group has strict requirements for joining. You should have a DD training or testing for TOPS/HOPES. You should be prepared to disclose information. You do not necessarily...
  13. Nikki4

    WAG Tops, etc. beam question

    I'm not sure what it's called but you know the beam warm up or routine type thing they do on beam...they do front kicks, side kicks, back kicks and so on. My dd started learning it but she's confused about which leg kicks first. Bad leg or good leg? She said one coach told her good leg and one...
  14. GymLife

    Parents Could TOPS training be hurting my gymnast?

    This is our second season of tops training. At 10 she is in the gym 20 hours a week and TOPS 3 days a week for an extra hour those days after practice. She is a level 6. That being said, she would fail miserably at testing. I really feel our TOPS program hasn't been able to get our girls to...
  15. MuggleMom

    Parents TOPS program

    Our gym is starting a separate TOPS program its twice a week an hour each time. I think it would be good for DD she really excels at strength stuff but I am hoping that this change and the up in hours (which I know will happen in June) wont be too much. Fingers crossed! I am sure we can...
  16. G

    Parents TOPS

    How do I join the TOPS/HOPES social group?
  17. L

    WAG Sports bras/crop tops/half tops

    Whatever you call them! I live in Australia and it's getting into summer.(90+ degrees Fahrenheit training in a tin shed) I am in desperate need of a new sports bra to wear to gymnastics training. My issue is I am quite large chested and all the sports bras I have are to low cut leaving me...
  18. M

    WAG TOPs vs. Developmental Invite

    My daughter is past this age group but I am just curious as to what is the difference between being a TOPs A (or even B) team member and being invited to the the Developmental camp. Is one higher ranked that the other? A coach told a friend that being invited to the Developmental camp is...
  19. Aero

    WAG Starting a new TOPs program.

    I posted this in the TOPs/HOPES social group, but I figured I'd post it here too, because I feel I can get a lot of input from coaches and other parents. Even if you are just a parent who only knows a couple details about the TOPs program at your gym, the knowledge is helpful! This is my first...
  20. Mrs. Puma

    WAG When do they announce who made the TOPS A and B teams?

    Clearly this does not involve Puma Jr, but a few girls she competes against from other gyms made National testing and I'm just curious how they did. :)