year old

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  1. 60thjeep

    Parents 7 year old wants to quit - Looking for advice

    I searched but most posts were about older kids. My daughter is 7, started on the team at 6. We had no idea about gymnastics and especially team but she was invited to be on the team so we decided to try it. She seems happy at the gym, is friends with all the girls, does handstands and...
  2. I

    MAG How to know if MAG is your sport (asking for 5 year old)

    My son (5yo) has been doing recreational gymnastics for a year. He is full of energy (possibly hyperactive), rarely gets tires and is constantly moving. Keeping him busy after school is my 2nd job. He currently attends swimming, karate and gymnastics. It feels that our gymnastics club is really...
  3. ReluctantGymMom

    WAG HOPES skills for 10-11 year olds?

    Hey all, I can’t find the answer to this so I’m hoping you fine folks can help me - for the 10-11 age group, what are the skills required for the routines? I seriously can’t find anything besides the required scores, but not anything else!
  4. O

    Parents Just staring out with a 6 year old..

    Hi All! I am a new gymnastics parent, and am realizing that this is a sport and a process that I know nothing about. My daughter is six and has recently started gymnastics as a USAG gym. (I am also just learning what a USAG gym is.) We started with once a week and she has fallen head over heels...
  5. D

    Parents Training hours for a 7-8 year old

    I’m curious as to how many training hours would you consider to be appropriate for a 7-8 year old competitive gymnast, training xcel gold. Xcel is used in place of the lower level JO levels in her gym. How many hours do you think would be too many for this age? I have my own opinion on this but...
  6. K

    Parents Pre team financials and decision for 5 year old

    Hey all, New to this. My daughter will be 5 in a few days and we’ve only been at this gym for 2 months. They asked her to do pre team and it’s 2 days a week 2 hours each and $180/month. This seems like a lot of commitment for someone not even in kindergarten and the price!! That is so...
  7. C

    Parents Advice - 9 year old path

    My 9 year old daughter has been practicing gym since she is 2. She is now training level 6 for 15 hours a week. Recently less because of the pandemic and the gym shutting down during the evenings and weekends. She's been invited to join the sport-study group next year in grade 5. The issue: she...
  8. GymDadWA

    Simone has her 13 year old skill back

    Poor Simone, quarantine regressed her all the way to her age 13 skills. Keep smiling Simone, I think you might just make it one day! (I think at age 13 I was amazed when I could do an ollie on a skateboard without falling)
  9. Ishkaitt

    Parents 4.5 year old gymnast how much practice time ?

    Hello I have a 4.5 year old and she’s amazing! Almost has her back hand spring. Both me and dad were tumblers and I know she has it in her ? (; Although I feel like she has so much potential I feel like she’s not reaching it to the max. Like her coach definitely knows what she’s doing but I...

    New Gym mum, 4 year old

    Hi there! My daughter is 3, just about to turn 4. She loves “jo-nastics”as she calls it. She does two pre k classes per week, and LOVES it. Constantly trying to practice at home also. My question is about hand protection. On the days that the class focuses on bars, she has sore palms by the...
  11. D

    WAG 5 year old round off back handsprings-average age??

    My five year (almost 6 years) old got her round off back handspring. Is this advanced for her age or is this more of the average age that kids get this skill? Thanks!
  12. Izzydizzy33

    Going back to Gymnastics at 16 years old

    Hi! When I was in 4th grade I was a level 4 gymnast (I am now 16 years old and going into the 11th grade). After that year I decided to quit to commit to soccer. Over the past 3 or 4 years, I got a few head injuries and I was forced to quit but I was told that I could go back to gymnastics. I'm...
  13. A

    Parents 5 year olds self esteem. Opinions please!

    My child moved up to a new group, had her first full week with them and met a new coach. The evening after her practice she told me she had been put in time out at conditioning after the coach told her “You are terrible” (at whatever they were doing-rope climbs leg lifts etc) and had her sit out...
  14. D

    Parents Does it really matter what gym they go to at 5,6,7 years old

    Does it really matter what gym your child goes to when they are 5, 6, 7 years old? My five year old daughter goes to an average gym. It is family oriented and there are no weekend practices. It’s a low hour gym and the older kids can still participate in other sports if they choose to. It is...
  15. D

    WAG Does it really matter what gym they go to when they are 5-6 years old

    Does it really matter what gym your child goes to when they are 5, 6, 7 years old? My five year old daughter goes to an average gym. It is family oriented and there are no weekend practices. It’s a low hour gym and the older kids can still participate in other sports if they choose to. It is...
  16. G

    WAG The dreaded 13-15 year old hump

    Anyone else notice how many girls quit between age 13-15? What is the best way to help your daughter over this? It seems to be a combination of many of their friends quitting, the hours being long and tiresome because they are high levels with lots of conditioning, hormones and typical...
  17. G

    8 year old dd switching from acro to gymnastics. Now xcel tryouts!

    My 8 year old dd has been dancing for 2 years. Never really liked dance, except acro- which she excelled at. After years of begging we took the plunge, against her Drs advice and signed her up for gymnastics. She is just so passionate about it. Every video, everywhere we go, it's all she does...
  18. A

    Parents How many hours for 5 year old

    How do you determine how much is too much? My daughter has been in a 1.5hr twice a week class for a few weeks and has now been invited to move up to class that meets for 3hrs twice a week. Does anyone else have a child this age doing 3hr practices? I’d like to hear how they handle it!! Thanks!
  19. D

    Parents How to prepare 5 year old for first meet

    Hi! My daughter is four years old and training level 2. She turns five shortly before her first competition. I know she will be competing against kids who are older and better than her. I know she isn't going to win and that is totally ok with me. I want her to have fun at competitions. How do...
  20. R

    Parents How to prepare my 4.5 year old for pre-competitive tryouts?

    Hello! I’m new to this forum. I apologize if this has been covered in the past. My daughter is 4 years old (5 in sept). She had been taking recreational gymnastics classes since 1yo. Recently the club held tryouts for the competitive program which my daughter attended. It was pretty obvious...