My daughter has experienced her first gymnastics injury on Tuesday night. She heard her elbow pop when doing a front hand spring over a barrell on floor.
She didn't tell her coach of I until her class was over and continued to do things during class. She's only 6 so I think she was embarassed.
It was fine Tues night but swollen and bruised yesterday AM. She can bend and straighten her arm etc. There is a small bruise near her elbow and the muscle around it was swollen. It's much better now swelling is way down so we think it's just a sprain. I have her resting and using ice as needed.
No monkey bars on recess this week
Has anyone experienced this? Ways to prevent it from happening again or was it just a fluke?
She didn't tell her coach of I until her class was over and continued to do things during class. She's only 6 so I think she was embarassed.
It was fine Tues night but swollen and bruised yesterday AM. She can bend and straighten her arm etc. There is a small bruise near her elbow and the muscle around it was swollen. It's much better now swelling is way down so we think it's just a sprain. I have her resting and using ice as needed.
No monkey bars on recess this week

Has anyone experienced this? Ways to prevent it from happening again or was it just a fluke?