Parents 1st Level 5 meet

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Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
Daughter had her 1st level 5 meet this past weekend. I was a nervous wreck. The night before they decided what she was able to compete. Her gym is really strict about competeing events if you do not have your skills you can compete that event. I was on pins and needles hoping she would be able to do all the events. So daughter comes out of practice and decides to tell me she is not doing floor. Of course she was tricking me again. So she brings out her grip bag I was more worried about her being able to compete bars. it turns out both her and her friend are both doing all events.
First up was floor she looks good but her back handsprings need work. She gets a 8.35, so we are happy. Next up is vault. I could not believe how many girls were crashing over the vault table, it was downright scary. I can barely watch her it just makes me nervous. She manges to get over and get a 8.2. Now were are on to the dreaded bars, this has been her worst event in the 2 past years at level 4 and I only saw her do her kip and jump to the high bar once. She connects her routine gets both her kips and gets a 8.6 we are thrilled. Last is beam. Beam has been one of her best events she looks really good in warm up. This is the last event and she is the last girl competing so the flasher never flashes her score. Both her coaches come up to me and tell me that she got a 9.05!!.
Her AA was 34.2 and she came in 2nd place for her age group! Both her and her friend qualified for sectionals in their 1st level 5 meet I am so proud. Of course I could not get up the nerve to video her , maybe next time.
Way to go some huge scores for her 1st L5 meet wow and 2nd AA!!!Yeah on qualifing for sectionals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fabulous first meet, great scores and what a great thing to qualify at her first meet. Way to go!
What a great meet for her !!! Sounds like she will rock L5 !!!
Those are great scores for a first meet. Congrats and we can't wait to see a video when you "get up the nerve" LOL
What a fabulous first L5 meet!! omgoodness!! I would have been a total wreck as well but she showed you...huh, mom!?! :D

Congrats to her for such a wonderful meet! I bet she's beaming from head to toes. And she should. She worked her bootie off and it showed in all of her scores. AMAZING!
So glad she had a great first L5 meet!! Those are some very solid scores for the first L5 meet. 2nd AA, wow!! Congrats to her. Glad you survived the meet, too. :D
Wow, what awesome scores for a L5 meet, much less her first one! Sounds like she is going to have a great seson. I get so nervous watching the L5 vault, I seem to witness alot of wipeouts. Congrats on a great meet!!
So glad your DD had a great first L5 meet!! Last year at one of the state meets, I kept seeing some girls perform some very scary vaults in warmups. This has made me very nervous ever since. My DD has her first L5 meet Jan 9-10. I am on pins and needles too.
Wow what a great first meet! WOW on that awesome beam score!:D
Congrats to her and best wishes for the rest of the season!!
Thanks everyone. She did really well but I think the combination of having the right gym, coaches and hard work helped her get there. She really has to work hard at getting her skills when I think back to how long it took her to get her front hip circle and front handspring I am amazed at how good she looks.
LOL, L5 vault crasher checking in! At DD's 2nd meet (the IGC PA disaster meet we call it) during warm-ups she did this superman fly over the vault table and ended up splat on the mat at coaches feet. I could NOT move off the bleachers fast enough to get the heck outta there. I could NOT watch my own DD after that! But, apparently she was LOL and thought it was funny and did a respectable vault when the time for judging came but now that I know she can do that "superman fly" I can't breath when she vaults!

Anyway, CONGRATS to your DD!!!!! That sounded like a GREAT 1st meet! She is in a great place to start and scores will only get better. Plus a 9 on beam is HUGE! I think just getting the bars routine and kip for L5 alone is a biggie. We still have a couple girls on the team that can't kip, so the poor things can't get that AA score yet for a sectional. Glad to hear she is off to a good start this season.
whoo hoo! way to go!

Sassy has her first L5 meet on the 18th (okay, first of the year...she did one L5 meet last year after states, but it wasn't pretty)

Maybe we'll see you at one of them!
Great job! Qualifing for sectionals is a great accomplishment especially for a 1st ever L5 meet! Congrats!

And I hear ya on the video taping. Mine are ususally shaky as I get really nervous too!! My pictures are ususally worse! VERY blurry!! lol

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